本田望 –
Amid rising tensions between the US and North Korea, President Donald Trump insists that negotiation with North Korea is useless, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is certain that more talk would only make things worse, but they don’t offer any proof.
On October 10, Mr. Trump tweeted “…hasn’t worked, agreements violated before the ink was dry, making fools of U.S. negotiators. Sorry, but only one thing will work!”
And Mr. Abe called on the international community to exert utmost pressure in an article posted on September 17 in the New York Times: “Considering this history and its continuing missile launches and nuclear tests, more dialogue with North Korea would be a dead end. Pyongyang would see more talks as proof that other countries succumbed to the success of its missile launches and nuclear tests. Now is the time to exert the utmost pressure on the North. There should be no more delays.”

The English news media rarely mention this, and even more so with the Japanese news media; in March 2017, China offered negotiations if the US and South Korea would stop military training in the region, it would stop North Korea’s nuclear weapon program. But the Trump administration rejected it.
(英テレグラフ紙 2017年3月9日付)
And on April 24, 2016, Obama also rejected a similar negotiation offer, this time from North Korea, at a news conference with the German chancellor, Angela Merkel.
(英ガーディアン紙 2016年4月24日付)
On the other hand, a US think tank, CSIS, has published a report studying the nearly 25 year history of negotiations with North Korea, and their findings indicate that when the US is at the negotiation table, DPRK provocations decrease.
President Trump, Prime Minister Abe, the news media, and even JCP chief Kazuo Shii say North Korea has violated agreements, seeming to emphasize especially the 1994 agreement, but oddly, they do not seem to mention the US and the allies’ responsibilities at all.
North Korea shut down its 5 MWe under inspectors’ watchful eyes, and also stopped construction of two much larger reactors. But the US seldom delivered the promised heavy fuel oil on schedule. Moreover, Japan and South Korea were supposed to pay for the construction of commercial light-water reactors; they didn’t.
Many blame North Korea for enriching uranium, the means obtained from Pakistan and the others, but that was not what the agreement prohibited. The North made no attempt to reprocess the spent fuel stored under inspection at Yongbyon or to restart its reactor and made no fissile material whatsoever from 1991 to 2003.
(38ノース 2017年8月22日付)
(米ネイション誌 2017年9月5日付)
(スレート誌 2017年10月10日付)
William Perry, the defense secretary of the Clinton administration has looked back to the time he was negotiating with North Korea, and stated that even though North Korea called him a “war maniac”, he attended the negotiations, and received great respect from North Korea. So President Trump should stop buying into the war of words and start negotiating, according to the article Perry wrote for Politico, which was published on October 3 of this year.
On October 11, ten Nobel Peace Prize laureates sent a joint letter to the United Nations Secretary General, calling for peaceful dialogue between the US and North Korea.

On October 15, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson appeared on CNN and said that US diplomatic efforts “will continue until the first bomb drops”. That is a lot better than what President Trump has tweeted, but in order for negotiations to be successful, the president, the prime minister, and also big corporate media must acknowledge if what they said or reported was wrong, to show that we are the countries worthy of receiving North Korea’s diplomatic efforts.
38 North, which is a project of The US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, has issued a report taking the North’s technologies into consideration, noting multiple nuclear weapon detonations on both Seoul and Tokyo based on the current North Korea yield estimates would result in anywhere from 400,000 to 2 million deaths, possibly even as much as 3.8 million, depending on the thermonuclear yield.
http://www.38north.org/2017/10/mzagurek100417/(A Hypothetical Nuclear Attack on Seoul and Tokyo: The Human Cost of War on the Korean Peninsula, 38 North)
We definitely must avoid that tragedy.
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