本田 望
The tension between the US and North Korea is heightening. What seems be the likely trigger to start a war is North Korea’s nuclear test over the Pacific Ocean that the North Korean foreign minister mentioned.

米中央情報局 (CIA) のポンペオ長官「考えるべき問題は、その最終段階をどう阻止するかだ」と語り、マクマスター大統領補佐官も、「大統領はこの体制が核兵器で米国を脅しつけるような事態を容認しません。抑止のためとして容認すべきだという意見もありますが、抑止を容認しないということを容認してもらうほかない」と強調し、この大統領の意向を裏付けている。
CIA director Mike Pompeo and national security adviser H.R. McMaster have backed up Trump’s statement:
“It’s now a matter of thinking about how do you stop the final step.” (Pompeo)
“He’s not going to accept this regime threatening the United States with nuclear weapons,” McMaster said. “There are those who would say, well, why not accept and deter. Well, accept and deter is unacceptable.” (McMaster)
北朝鮮の核開発、米は「最終段階」も想定 CIA長官 (CNN, 2017/10/20)
US preparing for North Korea’s ‘final step’ (CNN, 2017/10/20)
前回ミサイル発射テストからおよそ60日が経過した。専門家によるとこれほどの期間、北朝鮮がミサイルテスト実施の先延ばしにするのは前例のないことであり、北朝鮮側も、太平洋上の水爆実験にトランプ大統領がどう反応するのかを見定めようとしていたのだと思われる (この要因は一つとは限らない:刈りいれ時、冬季軍事訓練、トランプが歴訪したためとも考えられる)。しかし、11月11日、「われわれは空、海、陸、宇宙を支配する」などの大統領のスピーチに反発し、北朝鮮は核兵器開発遂行の決意を表明した。
About 60 days has passed since North Korea’s last missile test. According to some experts, this is unprecedented for North Korea. It seems they were trying to estimate how President Donald Trump will react when they carry it out (This may be due to multiple reasons: It’s harvest season and winter training. They may not have wanted to because Trump was in the region). But after Trump’s “We dominate the sky, we dominate the sea, we dominate the land and space” speech and the others, the North has expressed their determination to finish the nuclear weapons development.
“Trump made his conceived attempt yet again to alienate our people from the government and keep up rivalry between the DPRK and international society by ‘demonizing’ our country.
“The reckless remarks by a dotard (old person) like Trump can never frighten us or put a stop to our advance. This rather gives us an assured conviction that our choice to embark on the road of simultaneously promoting economic construction and the building up of the nuclear force was all the more arighteous one, and it pushes us to speed up the efforts to accomplish the great cause of completing the state nuclear force.”
朝鮮外務省代弁人 トランプのアジア訪問は好戦狂の対決訪問、戦争商人の商売訪問 (KCNA, 2017/11/11)
Trump’s Visit Is Business Trip: DPRK FM Spokesperson (KCNA watch, 2017/11/11)
北朝鮮、米大統領演説を非難「核完成へ疾走」(日本経済新聞, 2017/11/11)
実際のところ、北朝鮮が太平洋上で水爆実験を行った場合、米国はどのように反応するのか? 10月26日にワシントンで行われた非核化を目指すプラウシェアズ基金による専門家の会議で、北朝鮮が行う予定であると表明している太平洋上での水爆実験についてパネリストたちは次のような懸念を示した。
In reality, how will the US react to the hydrogen bomb experiment in the Pacific? In the conference on October 26 in Washington, held by Ploughshares fund which aims for eventual denuclearization, the panelists expressed the following concerns:
Robert Gallucci (a former chief negotiator in Clinton administration): “If the North Koreans are identified as responsible for the atmospheric explosion of a nuclear weapon in the Pacific, the command authority of the US military will take it as an attack of a nuclear weapon on the continent of the United States with all that implies. We don’t do that because it fails. We only did it once, a long time ago.”
Joseph Cirincione (the president of Ploughshares fund): “I think that’s true even though we detonated a hundred thermonuclear devices in the South Pacific. That was us. This is them. We would see it as a direct threat, and there would be no disagreement with the President of the United States. If he were to decide that he would want to launch an attack in response to that. Do you agree with that, Carol?”
Carol Giacomo (an editorial board member of the New York Times): “I don’t think that the North Koreans understand what the U.S. would do in response to each escalation of their activities. And that’s a real danger, and all the more reason why somebody in authority, with credibility, needs to be talking to them now.”
(From the left Joseph Cirincione, Carol Giacomo, Suzanne DiMaggio, and Robert Gallucci, the thermonuclear detonation discussion starts at 33:59)
See also: Experts Weigh in on War and Peace on the Peninsula (Ploughshares fund, 2017/11/9)
In the midst of all this, the US stated its plan on November 8 and has deployed the USS Ronald Reagan, the USS Theodore Roosevelt and the USS Nimitz, and has started joint exercises separately with Japan, and with South Korea.
米空母3隻 異例の演習 日本海で開始 (NHK, 2017/11/11)
Japan to Send Largest Warship to US Military Exercise Near Korean Peninsula (VOA, 2017/11/10)
To this North Korea’s ruling party newspaper responded, “They are wrecking peace on the Korean peninsula and regional stability and are bringing the situation to the brink of a nuclear war.”
米空母3隻 異例の演習 日本海で開始 (NHK, 2017/11/11)
U.S. Should Give up Wild Dream of Stifling DPRK by Force (Rodong Sinmun, 2017/11/11)
Retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey has pointed out there are no good options against North Korea. “They are all bad. If we went in with a massive conventional air and sea attack, aimed at the nuclear capacity, we would get 95 percent of it in 72 hours. But we wouldn’t get all of it. We wouldn’t be sure. And that would probably trigger a very high intensive conflict in the Korean Peninsula. The consequences of attacking North Korea first would be dire.”
Trump belligerence toward Kim Jong-un keeps South Korea on edge (MSNBC, 2017/11/10)
But while a war becoming more imminent, Trump tweeted:

このトランプ氏のツイートに対し北朝鮮の朝鮮労働党機関紙・労働新聞は15日、「絶対に容認できないトランプの罪悪はまず、われわれの最高尊厳を(ちびでデブなどと呼び) 悪辣に中傷冒とくしたことだ」、「死刑」に値すると、非難する論評を掲載した。
To this tweet the North Korean ruling party newspaper Rodong Sinmun responded in an editorial, “The worst crime for which he can never be pardoned is that he dared [to] malignantly hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership,” and insisted the US president deserved the death penalty.
トランプ氏「ちびデブ」発言にやっぱりキレていた金正恩氏 (Daily NK. 2017/11/16)
North Korea ‘sentences Trump to death’ for insulting Kim Jong-un (The Gurdian, 2017/11/15)

日本時間の11月16日の早朝トランプ氏はアジア歴訪の成果を報告する声明のなかで、同国に対する戦略的忍耐をやめたことにより、事態は改善している。日本が共同防衛費をより負担すること、韓国のミサイル弾頭重量制限の完全解除、中国とも相互凍結 (北朝鮮核兵器開発と米国側軍事演習の凍結) を受け入れないこと、および「もはや残された時間は少ない、(軍事行使を含めた) あらゆる手段で対応する」ことに合意したなどの成果を強調した。
On November 15, in remarks on his trip to Asia, Trump boasted many things including that Japan has agreed to shouldering more of the burden of their common defense, that South Korea would remove the payload restrictions on missiles to combat the North Korean threat; that China would not accept a so-called “freeze for freeze” agreement and also: “We made it clear that time is running out and that all options remain on the table”.
Remarks by President Trump on His Trip to Asia (transcript by White House, 2017/11/15)
しかし、中国外務省の耿爽 (Geng Shuang) 報道官は11月16日の記者会見で、「相互凍結」は北朝鮮の核およびミサイル開発解決のための「第一歩」だと述べ、トランプ氏とは異なる見解を示した。
However, contrary to what Trump mentioned, Beijing still considers the “freeze-for-freeze” plan to be the most sensible “first step” towards resolving the issue of North Korea’s nuclear and missile development, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Geng Shuang said during a news briefing.
In the “all options, “negotiations must be included. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on November 10 he can envision the U.S. and North Korea agreeing to hold talks at some point as a precursor to formal negotiations.
“Eventually we’re going to have one of those days where we’re both going to say OK, maybe it’s a good time to have that first conversation,” Tillerson told reporters on board a flight from Beijing to Danang, Vietnam. “Not to start negotiations but to have that conversation.”
Tillerson Says He Envisions U.S.-North Korea Talks (Bllomberg, 2017/11/10)
このティラーソン氏の動きは好材料ではある。この2年間北朝鮮政府高官らに取材を続けてきたシンクタンク「ニューアメリカ」の外交問題専門家スザンヌ・ディマジオ氏は、前述のプラウシェアズ基金が主催した会議のパネリストとしてまさにそのことを提案し、11月7日付のニューヨークタイムズ紙にその旨を寄稿したのだ。(38North の Joel S. Wit 氏との共同執筆)
Tillerson’s move can be a good factor. Suzanne DiMaggio, a senior fellow at New America, who has been talking to North Korean officials for two years, pointed this out as a panelist in the Ploughshares fund conference and also wrote about it in a New York Times article co-penned with Joel S. Wit of 38North.
DiMaggio has stated that they should start with “talks about talks” without preconditions, and later elaborated on the topic in a New York Times Opinion article. In it she states, “The objective of these talks would be to clarify the policies of each country, discuss where there might be potential compromises and what each side considers nonnegotiable, and prepare the groundwork to move on to negotiations.”
The article also states, “While determined to pursue a nuclear arsenal to defend their country, the North Koreans say they are also open to discussing how to avoid a disastrous confrontation.”
How Trump Should Talk to North Korea (The New York Times, 2017/11/7)
DiMaggio also pointed out that President Trump should clarify that diplomatic engagement with Pyongyang is his administration’s first choice.
トランプ大統領は「中国はこの問題を迅速かつ容易に解決できる」と見て、北朝鮮の非核化を目指しているが (ディマジオ氏は非核化実現にはかなりの時間を要するとみている)、クリントン政権のクリントン政権時の国防長官として北朝鮮と交渉し、核開発の停止と最終的な解体の合意の実現まであと一歩の所までこぎ着けた (翌月にブッシュ氏が政権を取り、2 年間、「あらゆる交渉を放棄した」)、ウイリアム・ペリー氏は、交渉を成功させるには中国に任せるだけでは無理であり (すでに何年もそうしてきた)、また米国のみでも不十分、両国が密接に協力し合う必要があると強調する。
Trump sees “China can fix this problem quickly and easily” for denuclearizing North Korea (DiMaggio thinks it will take long time to realize it), but William Perry, who was Secretary of Defense during Clinton administration said China alone (“we’ve doing that for years”, he said) or the US alone in the negotiations are not enough. The two need to be arm in arm. (He participated in the negotiations with the North, and was almost on steps to suspend and eventually dismantle North Korea’s nuclear and long-range missile activities, but one month later, Bush became President; they “decided instead to cut off all negotiations with North Korea” for the next two years.)
William Perry’s Case for Diplomacy with North Korea (Ploughshares fund, 2017/11/7)
“Our first step,” Perry said, “is not dialogue with Pyongyang, but dialogue with Beijing. We have to agree on several things. First of all, what is the threat?” China is not only concerned about a potential war on the Korean Peninsula, but also the prospect of a unified Korea under a South Korean government, and U.S. troops at China’s border. “We have to convince them that we’re not going to take advantage of the situation if it occurs.”
「北朝鮮からはどの国に対してもいわれもない攻撃を仕掛けることはない。彼らはアルカイダや ISIS のように殺害の機会を狙っているわけではなく、殉教者になりたいとは思っていない。彼らが望むのは体制の維持なのだから。そして、もしわれわれの同盟国を攻撃してしまえば破滅だとも理解している。よって彼らが戦争を仕掛けたがっているわけではないことを認識してほしい。
それではどんな時に開戦の火ぶたが切られるのか? それはわれわれの活動から彼らが、もはや体制の維持は不可能だという判断をくだした時だ。われわれは言動に注意すべきだ。先制攻撃を考慮するとわれわれが語る時、われわれとしては彼らを威圧していると思っているが、実際には彼らに最後の覚悟を決めさせてしまうのだ。私は、もはやこれまでと見なした時にだけ、朝鮮半島をせん滅させてしまう道を選ぶと思っている。彼らをそのような状況に追いやってはならない」
Concerning what can trigger a war, Mr. Perry explained the following.
“I do not believe the North Koreans are going to carry out a nonprovoked attack against Seoul, against Tokyo, the United States, or any country. This is not Al-Qaeda or ISIS. They are not seeking martyrdom; they are not suicidal. They want to sustain the regime. They know if they attack our allies, they are inviting their own destruction. So we have to understand they are not looking to start a war. Then what could start a war?: If they see their regime threatened by our actions. That’s why we have to be careful what we do and what we say. And when we make statements that suggest we are considering a preemptive decapitation strike, we think we are doing that to intimidate them. But what we are really doing is setting their thoughts and minds that they are about to go, so they might go out in blaze of glory. The only circumstance I see them using their nuclear weapons is when they see their regime is about to go under anyway. And then they want to have a Korean Armageddon, they want to take everybody else then with them. We have to be careful not to put them in that position, I believe.”
Mr. Perry is not alone one how the North would react when desperate:

According to Perry there is no viable options for defense for Seoul, Tokyo, or on the US. “We can avenge. We can win. But we cannot defend” from missile strikes; because if North Korea fires nuclear missiles along with conventional missiles and decoys, missile defense systems will be “saturated” even if they worked according to the specifications, he said.
Once we start a war, we will see only tragic consequences. So the US has to negotiate. But if the US discards the nuclear agreement with Iran, even China will not trust it in the negotiations.
しかしながら、仮に米国側と北朝鮮が交渉の場についたと仮定しよう。交渉の場をあたためて円滑に進めていゆくためにはどうしたらよいのだろうか? ペリー氏によると「私が1999年に平壌で交渉の場についた時、彼らは朝鮮戦争の和平条約締結に強い関心を示した。2つ目は安全保障だ。これにもよい反応を得た。3つめは国家承認だ。そのために国家間の交流地点を設け、そのあとに大使館を設置する。これら3つが彼らが最も関心を示したものだ。それを無条件で最初に差し出して何が悪いのだろうか? ほとんど経費がかからないし、あげてしまうべきだ。そこから交渉が円滑に進むかもしれない。ただ彼らの価値観をきちんと理解したうえで申し出るべきだ。今日でもそれらは有効かもしれない」
But let’s suppose they sit at a negotiation table. What can break the ice? Perry said, “When we were in Pyongyang in 1999, one of the things we offered was signing a peace agreement; ending the Korean War. They were very interested. It was a big deal with them. The second thing we offered was some kind of security issue. They were very positive about that. And the third thing we offered that they were very interested in was diplomatic recognition. First we build intersection with Pyongyang and then build an embassy. And those things were highest on their list. Why don’t we give them for free. They cost us nothing. May be it will break the ice and get something going. But we should understand what they value. We could reproduce those in the negotiations today.”
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