In the stories below, we present viewpoints and insights which are rare in the mainstream media. The first category, ACTIVISM, highlights some of the activities taking place in Fukushima, Saga and around the world in order to confront the lies and propaganda of the nuclear industry-government complex which continues to seek to profit from its deadly poison. In NEWS AND ANALYSIS we can read about the crumbling nuclear safety myth,TEPCO’s use of contracted labor to save profits, the ongoing struggle to put a stop to a reactor in Saga, in which Kyushu Electric Company employees were exposed pretending they were ordinary citizens supporting nuclear energy, and other stories. Finally, in MURDERERS AT LARGE we read about Toshiba trying to go ahead with exporting reactors and downplaying the disaster, the same disinformation employed by the British government and nuclear industry, and TEPCO’s histopry of lies, manipulation and outright criminality.
As we are writing this, reports are coming in of contamination of Japanese beef. This begs the question: is the Japanese government testing the food when it says all is safe, or is it just trying to deflect anger. if so, it is only going to come back to haunt them as the citizenry concludes that they have been lied to all along about the safety of nuclear power.
Please also see the in-progress documentary UNCANNY TERRAIN (below: ACTIVISM) for heart breaking scenes of a dairy farmer ordered to kill his cows but refusing to do so, defiant against the crimes of the government an TEPCO and insisiting that the cows be allowed to live to study the effects of radiation.
FoE Japan: Sign the Emergency Petition 02! : Protect the Children of Fukushima
Event Calendar/集会・イベント情報、Ustream番組表 (byprefecture)
郡山の親たち、安全な教育環境を求め学校「疎開」を求める Fukushima parents sue government for safe educational environment for children
「見えないものと格闘する ~試行錯誤の除染~」伊藤夏子の福島報告II Fukushima Report by Natsuko Ito II
“Don’t forget us,” cry Fukushima nuclear evacuees (documentary film: Uncanny Terrain:A documentary about organic farmers facing Japan’s nuclear crisis「超自然の大地」):放射能汚染と戦い、生きる福島県農家のドキュメンタリー映画
Green Action: “Myth of nuclear safety” has crumbled: Radiation treatment specialist
Dying for Tepco? Fukushima’s contract workers?
Meltdown: What Really Happened at Fukushima?
Green Action: A Governor’s Power to Shape the Future of a Nuclear Japan
Green Action: Fukushima residents’ urine now radioactive, confirming internal radiation exposure
Green Action: Researchers estimate high level of internal radiation exposure in Fukushima
Green Action: 4 out of 5 want nuclear reactors scrapped in Japan
Poll conducted in June 11&12 in Japan. 82% want 54 nuclear reactors gradually or immediately abolished. Only 14%…
MURDERERS AT LARGE: TEPCO has a history of lies and coverups, and they and the government are still selling their faulty wares. Nuclear industry is seeking to export their death machines and spreading disinformation
No Nukes: Toshiba lobbying U.S. to build nuclear waste repository in Mongolia
British and French governments and nuclear businesses in criminal collusion to downplay Fukushima disaster-Japan part of coverup
What REALLY Happened at Fukushima
“Throughout the months of lies and misinformation, one story has stuck: “The earthquake knocked out the plant’s electric power, halting cooling to its reactors,” as the government spokesman Yukio Edano said at a March 15 press conference in Tokyo. The story, which has been repeated again and again, boils down to this: “after the earthquake, the tsunami – a unique, unforeseeable [the Japanese word is soteigai] event – then washed out the plant’s back-up generators, shutting down all cooling and starting the chain of events that would cause the world’s first triple meltdown to occur.”
But what if recirculation pipes and cooling pipes, burst, snapped, leaked, and broke completely after the earthquake — long before the tidal wave reached the facilities, long before the electricity went out? This would surprise few people familiar with the 40-year-old Unit 1, the grandfather of the nuclear reactors still operating in Japan….
…The reason for official reluctance to admit that the earthquake did direct structural damage to reactor one is obvious. Katsunobu Onda, author of TEPCO: The Dark Empire (東京電力・暗黒の帝国), who sounded the alarm about the firm in his 2007 book explains it this way: “If TEPCO and the government of Japan admit an earthquake can do direct damage to the reactor, this raises suspicions about the safety of every reactor they run. They are using a number of antiquated reactors that have the same systematic problems, the same wear and tear on the piping.”
See full story:
Also see
TEPCO: Will Someone Turn Off the Lights?
“TEPCO has become a symbol of everything that is wrong with the nation of Japan: cronyism, collusion, gentrification, corruption, weak regulation, and entropy. Despite being in the spotlight for the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, TEPCO continues to engage in questionable labor practices, and has escaped bankruptcy in closed-door meetings with politicians, and through denying culpability has shifted part of the reparations burden onto taxpayers – deeds which testify to the extent to which TEPCO still has plenty of political power, if not as much nuclear power.
After an expose in the weekly magazine Shukan Bunshun, last week TEPCO admitted that 69 of its plant workers can’t be located for radiation checks—30 of them were found not even to have had their names recorded. This raises questions about how these workers were recruited, paid, monitored for radiation exposure, or vetted before entering the site of the nuclear disaster. Former and current workers within the plant testify that many of the hired hands are yakuza or ex-yakuza members. One company supplying the firm with contract workers is a known Japanese mafia front company. TEPCO when questioned would only say, “We don’t have knowledge of who is ultimately supplying the labor at the end of the outsourcing. We do not have organized crime exclusionary clauses in our standard contracts but are considering it.” The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) has asked the company to “submit a report” on the matter.”
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