JAMES BRADLEY, james@jamesbradley.com Bradley, educated in Japan, has written about Korea in two of his books, published English and translated into Korean, among other languages. His books include Flyboys, The China Mirage: The Hidden History of American Disaster in Asia and The Imperial Cruise: A Secret History of Empire and War. He currently is working on a book about the … [Read more...] about North Korea: * Peace? * Hypocrisy of U.S. Nuclear Policy
本当に全面的に北朝鮮だけが悪いのか?最悪の事態は絶対に避けなくては! Are we sure it’s all North Korea’s fault? We must prevent war!
本田望 - 北朝鮮との軍事衝突の危機が高まるなか、米国のトランプ大統領は北朝鮮との交渉はむだだといい、安倍晋三首相はさらにかえって逆効果だと強く主張しています。しかしながら、彼らはその主張の実の根拠を示していないようです。Amid rising tensions between the US and North Korea, President Donald Trump insists that negotiation with North Korea is useless, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is certain that more talk would only make things worse, but they don't offer any … [Read more...] about 本当に全面的に北朝鮮だけが悪いのか?最悪の事態は絶対に避けなくては! Are we sure it’s all North Korea’s fault? We must prevent war!
How Palestine Disappeared from U.S. Media Coverage – by Ramzy Baroud
As if he has, overnight, been transformed into a master politician, Donald Trump’s 27-hour trip to Israel has left many analysts mystified.Quoting former Israeli political adviser, Mitchell Barack, the New York Timesreferred to Trump as the “Liberace of world leaders,” in reference to the flamboyant piano player, Wladziu Valantino Liberace. The latter, known as “Mr. … [Read more...] about How Palestine Disappeared from U.S. Media Coverage – by Ramzy Baroud
Okinawa still trapped in the grip of U.S. militarism
By Tim Shorrock. Published in Japanese by the Ryuku Shimpo, July 18, 2017– As the people of Okinawa expand their struggle to remove the US Marines from their beautiful island, the Trump administration’s military buildup in Asia in response to North Korea’s missile tests is making that task even harder.In April, at the height of the latest crisis with the North, US … [Read more...] about Okinawa still trapped in the grip of U.S. militarism
News from the Global South
Most recent stories from InterPress ServiceTrump Marks the End of a Cycle Roberto Savio Let us stop debating what newly-elected US President Trump is doing or might do and look at him in terms of historical importance. Put simply, Trump marks the end of an American cycle! Roberto SavioLike it or not, for the last two centuries the entire planet has … [Read more...] about News from the Global South