from from: Stephen R. Shalom August 4, 2014 There is so much wrong with Michael Walzer’s brief essayon the New Republic website, supporting Israel in its latest onslaught, while criticizing “a little uneasily” some of the excessive civilian deaths, that it is hard to know … [Read more...] about Michael Walzer’s (New Republic) Defense of Israel’s Crimes
Bradley Manning and the Mainstream Media-Ignoring US Crimes, Media Focuses on Apology of Person Facing Life in Jail for Revealing Them
From the Bradley Manning Support NetworkAs the defense closed its sentencing case yesterday, whistle-blower PFC Bradley Manning – facing 90 years in prison on six Espionage Act convictions – apologized to military judge Colonel Denise Lind for the way in which he exposed the horrific crimes and abuses he witnessed in America’s wars and diplomacy abroad. “I should have worked … [Read more...] about Bradley Manning and the Mainstream Media-Ignoring US Crimes, Media Focuses on Apology of Person Facing Life in Jail for Revealing Them
From Peace Philosophy Center (Okinawa, Fukushima…)
311の一周年の日に:前田新の農民詩「見えない恐怖のなかでぼくらは見た」日英語版紹介 For the...ゲイル・グリーン「ゆがんだ科学:チェルノブイリとフクシマの後の原子力産業」 Gayle Greene...Peace Philosophy Salon with Yuki Tanaka: 「原子力平和利用...田中利幸「私たちは原発の動力源を忘れていないか?」ウラン問題再考 Yuki Tanaka: Uran...大阪市「労使関係に関する職員のアンケート調査」原文『フォーブズ』掲載 ダグ・バンドウ「沖縄は沖縄の人々に返せ」和訳 (ガバン・マコーマック解説) Ja...近藤紘子『バンクーバー新報』インタビュー An Interview with Koko Kondo ...『月刊ふれいざー』2月号 近藤紘子講演報告Inspiring, … [Read more...] about From Peace Philosophy Center (Okinawa, Fukushima…)