Albert Einstein is known to have written to his friend Linus Pauling, "I made one great mistake in my life — when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made." As a result of Einstein's letter, the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)was established in secret, and this is where Robert Oppenheimer and others in the Manhattan Project … [Read more...] about 70 Years After Hiroshima-Nagasaki: Los Alamos Hunger Striker and Call for End to Nuclear Weapons Research
Japan Disaster Blog
Originally a financial blog, the blogger has written about only one thing since the triple disaster one year ago. N0ot all the articles are good/reliable, but many have info you will not find in English on many other sites. Plus, the writer remains deeply sceptical of the business-as-usual mindset of the government and nuclear industry.Recent articles:More Municipalities Say … [Read more...] about Japan Disaster Blog
From Peace Philosophy Center (Okinawa, Fukushima…)
311の一周年の日に:前田新の農民詩「見えない恐怖のなかでぼくらは見た」日英語版紹介 For the...ゲイル・グリーン「ゆがんだ科学:チェルノブイリとフクシマの後の原子力産業」 Gayle Greene...Peace Philosophy Salon with Yuki Tanaka: 「原子力平和利用...田中利幸「私たちは原発の動力源を忘れていないか?」ウラン問題再考 Yuki Tanaka: Uran...大阪市「労使関係に関する職員のアンケート調査」原文『フォーブズ』掲載 ダグ・バンドウ「沖縄は沖縄の人々に返せ」和訳 (ガバン・マコーマック解説) Ja...近藤紘子『バンクーバー新報』インタビュー An Interview with Koko Kondo ...『月刊ふれいざー』2月号 近藤紘子講演報告Inspiring, … [Read more...] about From Peace Philosophy Center (Okinawa, Fukushima…)
Responding to Disaster: Japan’s 3.11 Catastrophe in Historical Perspective
Special Issue of The Asia-Pacific Journal edited by Yau Shuk-ting, KinniaSee the following articles:• Yau Shuk-ting, Kinnia, Introduction• Matthew Penney, Nuclear Nationalism and Fukushima• Susan Napier, The Anime Director, the Fantasy Girl and the Very Real Tsunami• Yau Shuk Ting, Kinnia, Therapy for Depression: Social Meaning of Japanese Melodrama in the … [Read more...] about Responding to Disaster: Japan’s 3.11 Catastrophe in Historical Perspective
Japan Times surprises with decent Fukushima coverage
The Japan Times has always been a mixed bag: They have had decent coverage of a number of domestic issues, going back to the days of the Zai-Nichi anti fingerprinting movement and Mad Cow disease. On the the other hand, they have had several regular columnists (Brad Glosserman and Ralph Cossa) with connections to CSIS, a CIA affiliated organization that pushes … [Read more...] about Japan Times surprises with decent Fukushima coverage