- Highlights from anti Abe/Aso demo in front of Edit March 7
「アベとアソウは今すぐやめろ!」〜国会前で内閣総辞職を求める大抗議 (anti-Abe, Aso Demo)
- Japanese and English articles on opposition to Abe on Finance Ministry obstruction
緊急事態条項 権利制限、細田氏に一任 大規模災害想定
LDP constitutional panel discusses ’emergency clause,’ including limit on private rights
We offer you 7 new articles this week. The first is a list of recent news stories related to Japan from the Shingetsu News Agency. This is followed by two talks from a US Military veteran on the damage done to the psyche from participating in war. Also featured is a petition to drop charges against 3 Okinawan peace activists, an article on South korean sex slaves, an analysis of the failed election bid of Nago city mayor Inamine, and several articles on the threat posed to Japan’s peace constitution by Japan’s rightist government as well as the impact of the constitution on people’s lives.
1) Japan-related news from Shingetsu News Agency
2) Former State Department Official Asks Military Members to Speak Out
-which includes Matthew Hoh urging Active duty military to speak out to help both others and themselves come to terms with PTSD, moral injury, suicidality, guilt, depression and and moral injury. Includes a second video from 2015 where Matthew spoke to the Licensed Professional Counselors Association of North Carolina.
3) Drop all charges against Okinawa anti-base activists
4) 浦島悦子「山の桜は泣いた――2018名護市長選」
5) Confronting South Korea’s censored discourse on ‘comfort women’
6) Five Okinawan Views on the Nago Mayoral Election of February 2018: Implications for Japanese Democracy
-The 5 opinions are from Yamashiro Hiroji, Urashima Etsuko, Miyagi Yasuhiro, Iha Yoichi and Yoshikawa Hideki Introduced by Gavan McCormack
7) The Constitution, Human Rights and Pluralism in Japan: Alternative Visions of Constitutions Past and Future
-which includes these articles:
C. Douglas Lummis, We, the Japanese People: Rethinking the Meaning of the Peace Constitution
Okano Yayo, Prime Minster Abe’s Constitutional Campaign and the Assault on Individual Rights
Noah McCormack, Affirmative Action Policies Under the Postwar Japanese Constitution: On the Effects of the Dōwa Special Measures Policy
Uemura Hideaki and Jeffry Gayman, Rethinking Japan’s Constitution from the Perspective of the Ainu and Ryūkyū Peoples
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