For Immediate Release

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Denali Nalamalapu
(347) 504-1057

Leading Progressive Groups Launch Public Pressure Campaign for Biden to Address Fossil Fuel Pollution and the Climate Crisis

WASHINGTON – Today, organizations representing millions of environmental, racial, and economic justice advocates across the country are launching a new campaign to hold President-elect Joe Biden accountable to his promises for bold climate action. The Build Back Fossil Free campaign includes 25 crucial executive actions Biden must take the moment he enters office to prevent climate chaos, end fossil fuel racism, and improve well-being for millions of people. 

“There can be no just transition without keeping fossil fuels in the ground. As fossil fuel companies attempt to push forward toxic and unnecessary pipelines like Line 3 and KXL, we seek a just transition that stops fossil fuel extraction, makes fossil fuel companies pay for damages, and restores the self-determination of impacted Black, Indigenous, communities of color, and working-class communities,” says Campaign Manager Jenny Marienau Zimmer. “Biden and Harris owe this to the communities that elected them. We are throwing all into holding them to their promises of a renewable, regenerative economy that puts our health and safety first.”

We have a once-in-a-generation chance at healthy communities, millions of good-paying jobs, and a better life for people on the frontlines of fossil fuel pollution and the climate crisis. That’s why Action Center on Race and the Economy, Alliance for Climate Education, the Center for Biological Diversity, Climate Justice Alliance, Food & Water Watch, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace USA, Hip Hop Caucus, Indigenous Environmental Network, Indivisible, New York Communities for Change, Oil Change International, People’s Action, Rogue Climate, Sierra Club, the Sunrise Movement, and are coming together to ensure Biden becomes the climate president he promised to be. 

We urge Joe Biden to use all the tools at his disposal to avert further climate devastation while helping people recover from the pandemic. Together, the actions outlined in the Build Back Fossil Free platform will:

  • Protect and invest in the Black, Indigenous, Brown, and working-class communities that have borne the brunt of fossil fuel pollution and climate disasters.
  • Reject new fossil fuel projects, eliminate giveaways to oil gas, and coal corporations, and end the era of fossil fuel production.
  • Launch a national climate mobilization to Build Back Fossil Free, deliver jobs, justice, and opportunity for all.


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“Biden’s legal authority to be the climate president is just as compelling as his political mandate,” said Jean Su, an attorney and director of the Center for Biological Diversity’s Energy Justice program. “Bedrock environmental laws like the Clean Air Act, as well as the National Emergencies Act, empower the president to act immediately to prevent climate catastrophe and protect communities. Biden can take the bold action we need on Day One, including immediately ending new fossil fuel permits and project approvals and declaring a climate emergency to ignite our clean and democratic energy revolution.”

Fossil fuel pollution and climate disasters are already disrupting millions of lives. As Biden takes office, activists from the North Slope of Alaska to the Gulf Coast of Texas will still be fighting to stop dangerous fossil fuel projects like the Keystone XL and Line 3 pipelines and protect sacred places like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Black, Indigenous, Brown, and working-class communities gave Biden the chance to lead. Now, it’s time for Biden to keep his promises to us. 

“Indian Country organized our communities and relatives to vote for Biden. The violation of our treaty rights by Enbridge’s Line 3 is the continued weakening of our sovereignty,” said Dawn Goodwin of the RISE Coalition. “Immediately, Biden needs to stop Line 3 and require federal agencies to secure Free, Prior & Informed Consent from our tribal nations. We are past the tipping point and immediate action must be taken to protect the water, land, and sky. We will not back down.”

The full set of executive action demands, as well as convening partners and sponsoring organizations, is available at The Build Back Fossil Free campaign builds on two detailed policy platforms: the #ClimatePresident Action Plan [1] and the Frontlines Climate Justice Executive Action Platform [2]. Together, they are supported by more than 500 leading climate, environmental, racial and economic justice, and youth organizations nationwide.


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350 is the red line for human beings, the most important number on the planet. The most recent science tells us that unless we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million, we will cause huge and irreversible damage to the earth. But solutions exist. All around the world, a movement is building to take on the climate crisis, to get humanity out of the danger zone and below 350. This movement is massive, it is diverse, and it is visionary. We are activists, scholars, and scientists. We are leaders in our businesses, our churches, our governments, and our schools. We are clean energy advocates, forward-thinking politicians, and fearless revolutionaries. And we are united around the world, driven to make our planet livable for all who come after us.

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