Jeremy KuzmarovROAR Magazine (Subscription link)Social movements ought to place private military contractors at the center of a broader critique of authoritarian neoliberalism and America’s permanent war economy.In August 2016, the Pentagon announced that Six3 Intelligence Solutions, a private intelligence company recently acquired by … [Read more...] about The New Merchants of Death
War and Empire/戦争&支配権力
オスプレイ墜落現場: 市民撮影の写真、軍削除させる
【名護】米軍垂直離着陸輸送機MV22オスプレイが名護市安部の海岸に墜落した問題で、25日に米軍が機体残骸の回収を実施した際、集落近くの浜に上がってきた公務中の米兵を撮影した60代の女性が写真を削除するよう米軍に求められていたことが分かった。 女性によると、回収作業の際に、浜に上がってきた米兵を撮影したところ、近くにいた米軍関係者が通訳を介して「個人なので(顔が写って)公にされるのはよくない」と写真の削除を求めた。女性は米軍関係者の求めに応じ、タブレット端末で撮影した複数の画像をその場で削除した。作業の様子を遠くから撮影した画像の削除は求められなかった。 2004年の沖国大米軍ヘリ墜落事故を受けて日米が取り交わした基地外での米軍機事故に関するガイドライン(指針)は、写真撮影について米当局から要請がある場合、「日本側当局が事情を説明した上で、撮影の … [Read more...] about オスプレイ墜落現場: 市民撮影の写真、軍削除させる
Trump’s Threat to Charge Japan More for U.S. Forces: Taoka Shunji says “Let them leave.” (Japan Focus)
Ever since the end of America's Vietnam catastrophe, experts on both sides of the Pacific have sounded warnings about anachronistic, wasteful, and dangerously misguided U.S. military policies, seemingly perpetuated by inertia, in East Asia. Yet their recommendations are ignored and new policy initiatives thwarted. As a candidate for president in early 1975, Jimmy Carter … [Read more...] about Trump’s Threat to Charge Japan More for U.S. Forces: Taoka Shunji says “Let them leave.” (Japan Focus)
The silencing of an anti-U.S. base protester in Okinawa
When three antiwar activists were detained by the Tokyo police for 75 days in 2004, the Nobel Prize-winning international rights group, Amnesty International, formally declared them to be “prisoners of conscience,” thus tarring Japan’s reputation with a brush that is ordinarily reserved for the world’s most oppressive regimes.A similar story is playing out in Okinawa as I … [Read more...] about The silencing of an anti-U.S. base protester in Okinawa
Disneyland of War
With this article TokyoProgressive inaugurates a discussion forum for selected articles appearing on this site. Please go here to comment on the article and/or video. Help the filmmakers "spread a message of peace and justice by providing funds for us to distribute this documentary that challenges the glorification of war and exposes the indoctrination of young … [Read more...] about Disneyland of War