Greg Grandin November 16, 2015 The NationA new documentary, Chicago Boys, looks at the Chilean economists who brought neoliberalism from the halls of Chicago to the policies of Latin America. Chicago Boys, The Nation,“I didn’t know absolutely nothing.” That double negative is from Sergio de Castro, talking about the killing, disappearances, and torture that took place … [Read more...] about The United States Didn’t Just Help Topple Allende—We Trained the Economists, Too
War and Empire/戦争&支配権力
Pentagon Must Be Thankful for the Turkey Washington Post Gave Its Readers
The Washington Post illustrates a story contrasting Russian and US bombing of Syria with a slideshow of photos of the results of Russian bombing (or, as in this case, Syrian government bombing)–but no images of the consequences of US bombing. (photo: Alaa Al-Faqir/Reuters) Here’s something for the US government to be thankful for this Thanksgiving: propagandistic war … [Read more...] about Pentagon Must Be Thankful for the Turkey Washington Post Gave Its Readers
本日のメルマガ (1)ニュース速報 ┏━━━━━━━┓ ■□ ニュース速報 … [Read more...] about パ┃レ┃ス┃チ┃ナ┃最┃新┃情┃報┃JSRメルマガ
Differentiating SEALDs from Freeters, and Precariats: the politics of youth movements in contemporary Japan
The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 13, Issue. 37, No. 2, September 14, 2015 Robin O'Day See footnote 1 in regards to the article title.SEALDs demonstration, August 23, 20152As a student movement, SEALDs (Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy) is often compared with the ANPO student movements of the 1960s and 1970s by media, outside observers, and the members … [Read more...] about Differentiating SEALDs from Freeters, and Precariats: the politics of youth movements in contemporary Japan
Today & Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos
Dear Supporter, Last month, tens of thousands of people in Mexico, North America, and other parts of the world protested and organized events to mark the 1st anniversary of the enforced disappearances of the 43 Ayotzinapa students and declare that we will not relent in our agitation for truth and justice. The students, many of whom are indigenous, have … [Read more...] about Today & Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos