2010年7月22日(木) 「なくそう貧困、変えよう職場」/たたかいの前進確信に 全労連大会始まる/市田書記局長が連帯あいさつ東南アジア友好協力条約/カナダ・トルコが加入/近くEUも 世界人口の7割に「事業仕分け」で公立小中学校の耐震対策予算縮減/直ちに必要な対応を不発弾探査 国の責任で/沖縄・900発余発見現場 赤嶺議員が調査どう防ぐ熱中症/水分補給忘れずに主張/カブール国際会議/「アフガン化」でなく和平を「思いやり予算」特別協定で日米交渉/モノ言えるか民主党/聖域なくメス入れよ「新制度」の骨格提示へ/政府、後期医療の根幹残す全労連第25回大会での/市田書記局長のあいさつ「北」の挑発 自制求める/米韓が初の2+2人種平等法が成立/ブラジル 黒人差別解消へ前進30分審議で福祉銭湯「不要」/神奈川・鎌倉市にみる/自治体版 危ない事業仕分けきょうの潮流 … [Read more...] about しんぶん赤旗」NEWS
Japan Focus: More articles asking why South Korea and the U.S. are stoking the flames of militarism and framing North Korea
You do not have to love NK to ask why the US and SK are stoking the flames of militarism and ignoring other evidence about the sinking of a SK vessel. Plus other stories on NE Asia.Featured Articles AuthorTitleID JJ Suh, Seunghun Lee Rush to Judgment: Inconsistencies in South Korea's Cheonan Report 判断を急ぐ——韓国天安号報告における矛盾 3382 // Yoshida Kensei Okinawa and Guam: In the … [Read more...] about Japan Focus: More articles asking why South Korea and the U.S. are stoking the flames of militarism and framing North Korea
CORPORATE WATCH: Gulf Dispersants: BP and Nalco Play Toxic Roulette
Gulf Dispersants: BP and Nalco Play Toxic Roulette Terry J. Allen July 19th, 2010 BP has dumped almost two million gallons of dispersants from Nalco in the Gulf of Mexico that is disguising the extent of the Deepwater spill and the inability of existing technology to mitigate the disaster. Even if BP eventually staunches the hemorrhage of oil, devastating toxins will linger … [Read more...] about CORPORATE WATCH: Gulf Dispersants: BP and Nalco Play Toxic Roulette
ZNET: Cook, Abunimah: Israel One-State Debate, Swanson: Zinn’s “The Bomb,” Shiva: Corporate Killing Fields…
One-state debate explodes myth about the Zionist left Is the Israeli right a more credible peacemaker? By Jonathan Cook Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Change Text Size a- | A+ Jonathan Cook's ZSpace PageJoin ZSpace (Nazareth) -- A fascinating debate is entering Israel’s political mainstream on a once-taboo subject: the establishment of a single state as a resolution of … [Read more...] about ZNET: Cook, Abunimah: Israel One-State Debate, Swanson: Zinn’s “The Bomb,” Shiva: Corporate Killing Fields…
News/Views: North Korea, BP, US spies/Ni WMD, Israel’s nuclear whistleblower
US Imposes New Sanctions on North Korea British Meat and Dairy Is Destroying RainforestsBP Oil Poisons the Gulf of Mexico's Food Chain NEWSWIRE Wednesday July 21, 2010Oxfam International: Female Condoms Ignored by Donors MADRE: In Israel, Miscegenation Equals Rape Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA): 87 Senators vs. the Facts on Turkish Group IHH? Environmental Working … [Read more...] about News/Views: North Korea, BP, US spies/Ni WMD, Israel’s nuclear whistleblower