Japanesehttp://home.v05.itscom.net/ans-law/nomuralaw/ren_quan_xuan_yan.htmlEnglishhttp://en.trans-aid.jp/index.php/article/detail/id/27833/at/featureml 福 島 人 権 宣 言 私たちは今、大いなる不安の中で日々生活しています。うつくしま、福島。私たちの故郷がカタカナでフクシマと呼ばれたり、放射能問題にこれほど頭を悩ますとは全く考えたこともありませんでした。 … [Read more...] about 翻訳:Fukushima Declaration of Human Rights/福 島 人 権 宣 言
Democracy Now Engllsh: GMO Deception and Nazis given safe haven by the U.S. government
"The GMO Deception": Sheldon Krimsky on How BigAg & the Government Is Putting Your Food at Risk11/01/2014 - 00:41From Democracy Now (English)Watch part 2 of our conversation with Sheldon Krimsky, editor of The GMO Deception: What You Need to Know about the Food, Corporations, and Government Agencies Putting Our Families and Our Environment at Risk. He is … [Read more...] about Democracy Now Engllsh: GMO Deception and Nazis given safe haven by the U.S. government
Japan Press Service News (End-Oct to Early November)
Japan-ROK lawmakers call for actions abiding by Kono StatementThe Japan-ROK parliamentarians’ union and its South Korean counterpart adopted a joint statement reaffirming that Japan will carry on with the 1993 Kono Statement and the 1995 Murayama Statement.Read moreWhat will come after revision of Worker Dispatch Law?The Abe government submitted a bill to revise the Worker … [Read more...] about Japan Press Service News (End-Oct to Early November)
Labor Net Japan 記事
トイレに立ったときも中まで監視~「服務 事故再発防止研修」報告10/19/2014 - 21:44From Labor net報告 : ジャーナリストを守れ!~シンポジウム「朝日バッシングとジャーナリズムの危機」10/19/2014 - 21:44From Labor net第90回市民憲法講座 安倍政権の女性政策を検証する(東京・文京)10/18/2014 - 22:32From Labor net沖縄・辺野古 米軍新基地 ほんとうのことを知りたい!(東京・阿佐ヶ谷)10/18/2014 - 22:32From Labor net東京朝鮮高校生「無償化」裁判支援集会 ~ヘイトスピーチはダメ。でも朝鮮学校除外はいいの?~(東京・文京区民センター)10/18/2014 - 22:32From Labor … [Read more...] about Labor Net Japan 記事
Japan Press Weekly stories
JCP opposes revision of 1997 Japan-US defense plans10/17/2014 - 16:24From Japan Press WeeklyTop Court: state responsible for workers’ illnesses caused by asbestos10/17/2014 - 16:24From Japan Press WeeklyLocal residents strongly concerned about Sendai NPP safety10/17/2014 - 16:24From Japan Press WeeklyShii criticizes Abe’s security policy for endangering … [Read more...] about Japan Press Weekly stories