The rap song, sung by Sofia Ashraf, exhorts Unilever to clean up the toxic site of its abandoned mercury thermometer factory and compensate hundreds of its workers who have been exposed to mercury poisoning. The factory moved to India after it was shut down in Watertown, N.Y., in the early 1980s when concern over mercury in the Great Lakes was at its peak.Continue... … [Read more...] about An Angry Rap Video Is Roiling Indians Against Mercury Poisoning
自民党が安保法制(安全保障関連法案)を説明する一環として、「教えて!ヒゲの隊長」というアニメ動画をネット上に投稿しました。動画では自民党の佐藤正久参院議員がアニメのキャラクターに扮し、「平和安全法制で抑止力が高まる」などと説明をしています。この動画が投稿されてから約1週間後に今度は「ヒゲの隊長に教えてあげてみた」という動画が投稿されました。こちらは動画中に出現した女子学生の「あかりちゃん」がヒゲ隊長を論破するという内容で、淡々と自民党の安保法制にツッコミを入れているシーンが話題となり、投稿から3日で10万再生を突破しています。こちらです … [Read more...] about あかりちゃん】ヒゲの隊長に教えてあげてみた
Abe pledges to ‘correct’ the record on wartime sex slaves (David McNeil, Japan Times)
Inada (a right-wing revisionist fanatic-ed.) expressed outrage that students in the U.S. are being taught things that are “completely against fact, that our ancestors were a group of rapists, murderers, and kidnappers.” She added, “This is not an issue of the past. I believe this is an ongoing issue that, for example, violates the human rights of Japanese children living … [Read more...] about Abe pledges to ‘correct’ the record on wartime sex slaves (David McNeil, Japan Times)
Crackdown in Jeju: U.S.-Korean right destroy anti-base camp. Is Okinawa next?
We don't read much about it here in Japan, but like Okinawa, the voices of pece and justice are under attack from the ultra right (Yes, Korea's Park is every bit as rightwing as Abe. And both are the children or grandchildren of fascists.).Moreover, unlike Okinawa's Governor Onaga, who seems to have backtracked from his out-and-out plan to resist the construction of a … [Read more...] about Crackdown in Jeju: U.S.-Korean right destroy anti-base camp. Is Okinawa next?
Are We All Charlies? by Chris Hunt
Stop the press! 7th January 1785: First Crossing of English Channel by hot air balloon. 7th January 1911: first experiments with dropping bombs from aircraft. 7th January 1953: President Truman announces the Hydrogen bomb. 7th January 2015…Its now been two weeks since the terror attacks in France. Time enough, perhaps, to reflect upon events without a knee-jerk or … [Read more...] about Are We All Charlies? by Chris Hunt