By Paul Street from ZNETCorporate health “reform” has gotten the congressional votes it needed and the public relations spin is on. Now that the “deeply conservative” Barack Obama[1] and his fellow corporate Democrats have pushed their big business-friendly measure – devoid of any public insurance option to counter the power of the insurance oligopoly– through the House … [Read more...] about Health Reform: Theirs and Ours
GM FOOD/遺伝仕組み会食品
From 1997-2002 … [Read more...] about GM FOOD/遺伝仕組み会食品
From 1997-2002 … [Read more...] about GLOBALISATION/グローバリゼーション
Global Agribusiness, SARS and Swine Flu
Global Agribusiness, SARS and Swine Flu DavisMike Davis, whose 2006 book The Monster at Our Door: The Global Threat of Avian Flu warned of the threat of a global bird flu pandemic, explains how globalized agribusiness set the stage for a frightening outbreak of the swine flu in Mexico.The Spring Break hordes returned from Cancún this … [Read more...] about Global Agribusiness, SARS and Swine Flu
Why Punishing North Korea Won’t Work . . . and What Will
Leon V. Sigal the promise of change, the Obama administration has started to address North Korea just as the Clinton and Bush administrations did--accusing it of wrongdoing and trying to punish it for its transgressions. As Pyongyang's recent nuclear test demonstrates, the crime-and-punishment approach has never worked in … [Read more...] about Why Punishing North Korea Won’t Work . . . and What Will