Still Taboo After All These Years: Japan's new imperial heir and the mediaWilliam Pfaff: When will the 5 Original Nuclear Powers Get RId of THEIR Nuclear Weapons?Japan Focus Nuclear Weapons sectionU.S. Neo-Conservatives Call For Japanese Nukes, Regime Change in North KoreaThe North Korean Problem, Japan and the U.S.: the Politics of HypocrisyMaking Sense of … [Read more...] about Japanese-Eng2006Oct
special article-pepsi and coke in india
Posison in your Coke and Pepsi? The news from India was shocking, until the media started reporting verbatim from press releases direct from these two big multinational corporations, which effectively limited the coverage to the "fact" that they contained "acceptable" amounts of dangerous chemicals. In addition, there is the question of misappropriation of drinking water, the … [Read more...] about special article-pepsi and coke in india
special article-pepsi and coke in india
Posison in your Coke and Pepsi? The news from India was shocking, until the media started reporting verbatim from press releases direct from these two big multinational corporations, which effectively limited the coverage to the "fact" that they contained "acceptable" amounts of dangerous chemicals. In addition, there is the question of misappropriation of drinking water, the … [Read more...] about special article-pepsi and coke in india
NHK裁判高裁審理第13回口頭弁論 詳しく: VAWW-NETジャパン政治家によるNHK番組介入問題についてU.S. Resorting to 'Collective Punishment'アメリカ合衆国は「集団的懲罰」を加えているIsrael's Use of American Cluster Bombs瓦礫の中を歩いて: イスラエルはアメリカ合衆国製クラスター爆弾を使った世界で一番“大人気ない”政治家はあなただ Others: 書評の紹介と浅野から近況報告...【郷土の帰還兵たちが劣化ウラン被曝を以て政府を訴えた】Dean Meminger,NY1 News(2006/9/7)Local War Vets Take Fight Against Government Over DU Exposure … [Read more...] about Japanese-Engish25-9-06
The Struggle for the Japanese Soul: Komori Yoshihisa, Sankei Shimbun, and the JIIA controversyCrime and Responsibility: War, the state, and Japanese society - by Yuki Tanaka, Research Professor, Hiroshima Peace InstituteForced to 'Choose' its Own Subjugation: Okinawa's Place in U.S. Global Military RealignmentNationalism, Historical Memory and Contemporary Conflicts … [Read more...] about JapanEng25-09-06