‘Last Resort’ Attempted to Charge Rumsfeld, Others for War CrimesLast Resort’ Attempted to Charge Rumsfeld, Others for War Crimes by Michelle ChenNov. 15 – On Tuesday, human-rights groups appealed to the international arena to hold the architects of the so-called "war on terror" accountable for alleged crimes against humanity.The US-based Center for Constitutional Rights … [Read more...] about Charging Rumsefeld with War Crimes
Innocent Victim of U.S. terrorism sues in court
Rendition Survivor Appeals Case Against CIA OfficialsRendition Survivor Appeals Case Against CIA Officials German Citizen Wants Apology for US Role in His Abduction, Torture by Catherine KompRichmond, Va.; Nov. 29 – A federal appeals court heard arguments here Tuesday from civil rights advocates trying to reinstate a landmark lawsuit against the CIA over alleged human … [Read more...] about Innocent Victim of U.S. terrorism sues in court
Nov 22 2006 content
JAPANESE LANGUAGE SECTION http://tokyoprogressive.org/november2006.html#jフィリピンは日本の有害ごみ溜め? 日本は、自国内の廃棄物をリサイクルすることができない貧しい近隣国の中に有毒で危険な廃棄物を捨てるための場所を見つけました。日本の医療機関で働く看護士や介護士と引き換えに、フィリピンの7、100もの美しい島は、日本の海洋投入処分海域になるように受け入れられました。― … [Read more...] about Nov 22 2006 content
Giving Terrorism a Reason to Exist The war in Iraq: creating terrorismMore Dissention in the Ranks U.S. soldier refuses to fightJust Say No to War in IranThe Vocabulary of Fascism “Over time it’s going to be important for nations to know they will be held accountable for inactivity. You’re either with us or against us in the fight against terror.”– George W. Bush, … [Read more...] about OtherOct2006
安倍訪中と北朝鮮の核実験 (2006年10月17日 田中 宇)北朝鮮は敵ではない~「東アジア」の視座から東 京 都 に 抗 議 す る自民党のGENDER ポリシー産婦人科のDr.北村 から … [Read more...] about Japanese2006Oct