Japanese site is here:http://www.labornetjp.org/To understand it in rudimentary English, enter the URL in the box here: http://tool.nifty.com/globalgate/STOP! 教育基本法「改正」~若者が渋谷でサウンドデモたった一人の抵抗~国労和解で重処分が心配非正規法案撤回もとめ民主労総ゼネスト突入戦争と格差社会NO! 若者が「反戦と抵抗の祭」勇気もらった! 『君が代不起立』完成試写会開催される … [Read more...] about Japanese Labor News in Japanese from LABORNET: Stop Revision of Education Law, more
High Court Judgment due on NHK censorship suit by VAWW
High Court Judgment due on NHK censorship suit (by extension, onPM Abe, who was a major actor in pressuring NHK-ed.)From Violence against Women in War websiteNHK裁判高裁審理判決 2007年1月29日(月) 午後2時00分より控訴審判決 NHK裁判控訴審判決日時:2007年1月29日(月)午後2:00 傍聴席抽選締め切り・午後1:30 法廷:東京高裁101号法廷 (東京メトロ霞ガ関駅A1出口)傍聴席を満席に! それが私たちのメッセージになります! NHK裁判控訴審結審シンポジウム DETAILS11/25 Symposium … [Read more...] about High Court Judgment due on NHK censorship suit by VAWW
Discrimination in Japan: Indonesian workers prohibited from praying, using cellphones
東日本の縫製工場、イスラム教徒研修生に「礼拝禁止/Factory in eastern Japan required an Indonesian Muslim trainee to sign a note promising to forgo praying five times a day and Ramadan fasting as a condition of her employment, The Yomiuri Shimbun learned Monday. From debito.org日本語は下へ...The firm also prohibited her from owning a cell phone and exchanging letters.The Justice Ministry suspects the … [Read more...] about Discrimination in Japan: Indonesian workers prohibited from praying, using cellphones
Ken Masuoka: English to Japanese page (Columbia, East Timor, Iraq)
The latest from the translator and activist Ken MASUOKA/ 益岡賢のページ コロンビアの検閲・覇権・メディア/Censorship, Hegemony and the Media in Colombiaジェームズ・J・ブリテン/by James J. … [Read more...] about Ken Masuoka: English to Japanese page (Columbia, East Timor, Iraq)
early summer 2006
IN THIS ISSUE 1) War and Peace and the Police State in our Midst 2) Urgent Petition--signatures still needed 3) Top Lies on Iraq 4) U.S. “Double-Dealing Diplomacy, North Korea and Japan/北朝鮮ミサイル危機と日本 5) Japan at a constitutional and political crossroads 6) SINGAPORE: Crackdown Underway on Satirical Blogging 7) The United States and the Japanese Mengele: Payoffs and Amnesty for … [Read more...] about early summer 2006