The first video is of of Martin Luther King speaking on the Merv Griffin show about the war in Vietnam and communism. Below that is his speech at the Ebenezer Baptist Church on April 30, 1967. When you see a military band performing in an MLK day, ask yourself what is wrong with that image. When you see the prosecutors of our modern wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan … [Read more...] about Not the whitewashed Martin Luther King that most people know
On the Non-Defense of Japan: The Japan-US Treaty of Mutual Deception, Ignorance and Insecurity
By D. H. Garrett “The war with Japan had been enacted in the game rooms at the War College by so many people and in so many different ways that nothing that happened during the war was a surprise absolutely nothing except the kamikaze tactics toward the end of the war. We had not visualized these.” -Chester W. Nimitz- Students protesting against the Ampo treaty and … [Read more...] about On the Non-Defense of Japan: The Japan-US Treaty of Mutual Deception, Ignorance and Insecurity
Why Most Of What You Think You Know About The Paris Climate Deal Is Wrong: An Annotated News Story
by Avi Lewis , Rajiv 14 Comments(Photo: Francois Mori/AP)With a little distance from the COP21 climate negotiations in Paris, it’s clear that the meaning of the deal struck there is deeply contested. From the euphoric pronouncements of politicians like U.S. President Obama (this is “the best chance we have to save the one planet that … [Read more...] about Why Most Of What You Think You Know About The Paris Climate Deal Is Wrong: An Annotated News Story
Veterans for Peace Solidarity Action/退役米軍人ら連帯の座り込み抗議「辺野古にも高江にも新基地要らぬ」
両脇を抱えられて、機動隊車両と鉄柵による囲い込み場所へ連れて行かれるVFP メンバー=11日午前7時24分、名護市辺野古Thanks to Masami Mel Kawamura, who writes: Along with other local protesters, the VFP members were forcefully removed by Japanese riot police. Nonetheless, the VFP members' presence was a huge boost to the sprit of the local protesters. After regrouping themselves at the main gate of Camp Schwab, the protesters … [Read more...] about Veterans for Peace Solidarity Action/退役米軍人ら連帯の座り込み抗議「辺野古にも高江にも新基地要らぬ」
許していいのか TPP合意文書「日本語訳」がない驚愕
Anti-Monsanto posterThis is an article about TPP, globalisation and … [Read more...] about 許していいのか TPP合意文書「日本語訳」がない驚愕