This is the first article in Activism Asia: Stop THAAD No to Missile DefenseOn July 7, 2016, the U.S. and South Korean governments announced a joint decision to deploy the U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system in South Korea. The two governments assert, without serious evidence and contrary to expert … [Read more...] about Activism Asia: Stop THAAD
Protests Greet Henoko Construction/辺野古移設 沖縄の美しい海、また埋め立てられていく
From the Mainichi Shimbun and Japan Times 機動隊に強制排除される移設反対派の女性=沖縄県名護市辺野古の米軍キャンプ・シュワブ前で2017年2月6日午前9時46分、浅野翔太郎撮影 海上工事に政府が着手 移設反対派に怒りと焦燥感が交錯 沖縄の美しい海を埋め立てて巨大な米軍基地を造るための工事がまた一歩、前へと進んだ。米軍普天間飛行場(沖縄県宜野湾市)の名護市辺野古への県内移設に向け、政府が6日、初めて海上工事に着手。辺野古の米軍キャンプ・シュワブのゲート前では、移設反対派が作業に向かう車両を阻止し、排除する機動隊と衝突した。埋め立てへのカウントダウンが始まり、反対派には怒りと焦燥感が交錯した。【浅野翔太郎】【機動隊に強制排除される反対派の男性】 … [Read more...] about Protests Greet Henoko Construction/辺野古移設 沖縄の美しい海、また埋め立てられていく
The New Merchants of Death
Jeremy KuzmarovROAR Magazine (Subscription link)Social movements ought to place private military contractors at the center of a broader critique of authoritarian neoliberalism and America’s permanent war economy.In August 2016, the Pentagon announced that Six3 Intelligence Solutions, a private intelligence company recently acquired by … [Read more...] about The New Merchants of Death
Release Hiroji Yamashiro now!
Release Hiroji Yamashiro immediately. 乗松聡子さんが不当逮捕の抗議を英語で。国際アムネスティーからも勧告があります。これも読んでください。Satoko Norimatsu of the Peace Philosophy Center in Vancouver demanding release of Okinawa peace activist Hiroji Yamashiro an announcing he has the support of Amnesty International. (Facebook video may not be viewable in some cases). Other public figures have also been protesting his … [Read more...] about Release Hiroji Yamashiro now!
Takata Fined $1 Billion For Hiding Information on Exploding Car Airbags
by Kavya Padmanabhan, Special to CorpWatch January 20th, 2017 Support CorpWatch (select Corporation Watch)Takata, the Japanese auto parts maker, will pay a $1 billion fine to the U.S. government after pleading guilty to hiding information about the likelihood that the company’s car air bags could accidentally explode. Takata air bags have been linked to … [Read more...] about Takata Fined $1 Billion For Hiding Information on Exploding Car Airbags