◎ケビン・メアの開き直り========================================コロラド州ボルダー市在住のパンタ笛吹氏から届けられた続投速報第四弾。(宮前ゆかり/TUP)米国務省日本部長ケビン・メア氏が「沖縄県民は怠け者でゆすりの名人」と発言した問題は、地震や津波の報道の陰に隠れ、今はもうどのメディアも取り上げてはいない。あれほど沖縄県民の気持ちを逆なでしたのだから、問題の張本人は反省をしていると思っていた。しかし近ごろ行われたビデオインタビューで、メア氏は自分の発言を完全に否定した。「あれは学生がでっちあげた偽造文書のようなものだ」と開き直ったのである。ウソで塗り固められた米国外交に、またもう一つウソが上塗りされたと感じるのは、私だけだろうか。翻訳・前書き:パンタ笛吹============================== … [Read more...] about メアの開き直り
“Smearing Japan” (latest on former diplomat Kevin Maher’s insults towards Okinawans)
(Update on Maher: After the 3/11/11 disasters, Maher joined the U.S. military’s “Operation Tomodachi.” He will be meeting 30 Japanese politicians from Japan, when they visit Washington D.C. from May 1-5, 2011. The contingent includes Okinawan MP Mikio Shimoji, whose family construction business benefits from military contracts, )Originally posted at Foreign Policy in … [Read more...] about “Smearing Japan” (latest on former diplomat Kevin Maher’s insults towards Okinawans)
Japan’s government faces looming crisis over ‘whack-a-mole’ nuclear policies
http://japanfocus.org/events/view/84May. 01, 2011: David McNeill in Fukushima City Like most Japanese parents, two months ago Sasaki Takayuki barely knew what radiation was. Today, he thinks about little else. “I’ve sent my kids to my wife’s family in Tokyo,” says the baker and father of two. “I told her to stay there till it’s safe but who knows when that will be? … [Read more...] about Japan’s government faces looming crisis over ‘whack-a-mole’ nuclear policies
20 Millisieverts for Children and Kosako Toshiso’s Resignation
20 Millisieverts for Children and Kosako Toshiso’s ResignationJAPAN FOCUS http://japanfocus.org/events/view/83 Tokyo University Professor Kosako Toshiso, a specialist on radiation safety, has resigned his position as Special Advisor to the Cabinet. In the past, Kosako has supported Japanese government views on radiation in a variety of contexts. For example, from … [Read more...] about 20 Millisieverts for Children and Kosako Toshiso’s Resignation
Killers are us-Why we are not celebrating the murder of a terrorist
The consequences for those of us who kill and deceive ourselves that by so doing we are doing justice is more profound... The late Howard Zinn has in his posthumously published book The Bomb talked about how we take a crime- the gas chamber...s, the attack on Pearl Harbor, Nanking, and use that as a rationale to defend terror bombing of Dresden, of Hiroshima. How we conflate … [Read more...] about Killers are us-Why we are not celebrating the murder of a terrorist