━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ご協力お願い:海洋調査、菅首相は1万人の声を無視?━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━4月29日から始めたオンライン署名 「日本政府にお願い 虹の戦士号に調査許可を!」には、 わずか1週間で8,000近くののご参加をいただきました。http://www.greenpeace.org/japan/Action/rainbow/?20110506gvさらに、日本のためにグリーンピース本部が発信し、世界中のグリーンピースに広まった首相官邸宛へのツイッター(Twitter)メッセージは約3,000通に達しています。http://bit.ly/mE4OBL合計1万人を超える方が参加して下さっていますが、 … [Read more...] about 国際環境NGOグリーンピースのメールマガジン
Support academic freedom: Give Tony Kushner his honorary degree!
For the first time in its history, CUNY's Board of Trustees has overturned an honorary degree given by one of its colleges, overturning an honorary degree that was to be given to Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Tony Kushner. This unprecedented decision came about because Jeffrey Wiesenfeld, a CUNY trustee, disagrees with Tony Kushner over Israeli policy. Wiesenfeld has a long … [Read more...] about Support academic freedom: Give Tony Kushner his honorary degree!
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting Blog: Disability Activists and more
Disability Rights Activists Are Even Invisible Getting Arrested on Capitol HillPosted by Janine Jackson on 05/06/11 at 4:13 pmElite media?s selective disdain for public activism is well known. Still, you?d think some things would garner a word or two. Like 300 disability rights activists, a couple hundred in wheelchairs, occupying the rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building … [Read more...] about Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting Blog: Disability Activists and more
MEDIA FAIRNESS: Disability Rights Activists Invisible, more from FAIR
Radiation for Children’s Day: Japan Callously Puts Thousands of Kids in Harm’s Way
By ROBERT ALVAREZMay 5 is Children's Day, a Japanese national holiday that celebrates the happiness of childhood. This year, it will fall under a dark, radioactive shadow.Japanese children in the path of radioactive plumes from the crippled nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi power station are likely to suffer health problems that a recent government action will only … [Read more...] about Radiation for Children’s Day: Japan Callously Puts Thousands of Kids in Harm’s Way