A roundup of the critiiques being made:Institute for Public Accuracy 1DANIEL ELLSBERGEllsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971. He said today: "What's urgently needed right now -- today, Friday, Saturday and Sunday -- is people contacting their Representatives in their home districts and in D.C. demanding, first, that Speaker John Boehner call an emergency session of Congress … [Read more...] about Obama borrows a page from Bush, threatens war based on false premises
Bradley Manning and the Mainstream Media-Ignoring US Crimes, Media Focuses on Apology of Person Facing Life in Jail for Revealing Them
From the Bradley Manning Support NetworkAs the defense closed its sentencing case yesterday, whistle-blower PFC Bradley Manning – facing 90 years in prison on six Espionage Act convictions – apologized to military judge Colonel Denise Lind for the way in which he exposed the horrific crimes and abuses he witnessed in America’s wars and diplomacy abroad. “I should have worked … [Read more...] about Bradley Manning and the Mainstream Media-Ignoring US Crimes, Media Focuses on Apology of Person Facing Life in Jail for Revealing Them
Top Israeli Official “Sick” of Hiroshima, Nagasaki Ceremonies
So Daniel Seaman of the Ministry of Public Diplomacy is sick of peace grups and their "self rightious" commemorations? He goes on to say the bombings of those two cities were the consequeneces Japan reaped by its genocide and imperial agression against much of Asia. Well, the infamously racist and stupid Seaman should understand a few things about Japanese history. … [Read more...] about Top Israeli Official “Sick” of Hiroshima, Nagasaki Ceremonies
(1) Israeli rightists invoke Hiroshima and (2) Phyllis Bennis: Conflict did not begin with rockets fired at Israel
http://youtu.be/hZP1Pe3J2DcIf these so-called defenders of Israel sound more like Nazis, that is no accident. They are extreme rightwingers, closer in spirt to the tea party in the U.S. Here they call for the death of Arabs and leftist Jews. Story behind video: “Flatten” Gaza like Hiroshima and “mow” the population, Israeli public figures urge ALSO … [Read more...] about (1) Israeli rightists invoke Hiroshima and (2) Phyllis Bennis: Conflict did not begin with rockets fired at Israel
Korea escalates war on peace activists
Just like in Okinawa, militarism disrupts the lives of local residents. And the local people are fighting back. You can click the graphic to read one of the stories. Click the below graphic to see a larger view of the poster. Click the PDF to read more about the courageous people's struggle. … [Read more...] about Korea escalates war on peace activists