福島県飯舘村「また、馬が、死んだ」2014年1月28日 投稿者: michitaka64 山々が色づき、紅葉の美しい景観が広がる飯舘村。足もとに目を移すと、この夏も細川牧場では3頭の馬が亡くなった(細川さんの以前の記事はこちら→。 村では、雨の中、民家を中心に至るところで除染作業が行われている。飯舘村から飯野に避難している男性に話を聞くと 「除染って言っ ても、人が住むところばかりで山なんかはやらんことに決まったみたいよ。『飯舘村は除染完了しました』って事実が欲しいだけでしょ。民家だけでもやれば、 … [Read more...] about 地震のあと:
Will Fracking Cause Our Next Nuclear Disaster? he idea of storing radioactive nuclear waste inside a hollowed-out salt cavern might look good on paper. The concept is to carve out the insides of the caverns, deep underground, then carefully move in the waste. Over time, the logic goes, the salt will move in and insulate the … [Read more...] about Will Fracking Cause Our Next Nuclear Disaster?
大阪市内の収容地/Forced Labor in Osaka
Forced Labor in … [Read more...] about 大阪市内の収容地/Forced Labor in Osaka
How the NSA tampers with US made routers
The NSA has been covertly implanting interception tools in US servers heading overseas – even though the US government has warned against using Chinese technology for the same reasons, says Glenn Greenwald, in an extract from his new book about the Snowden affair, No Place to Hide.Go to full story … [Read more...] about How the NSA tampers with US made routers
Amy Goodman Visits Japan (Democracy Now, Video,etc.)
Democracy Now's Amy Goodman recently vistited Japan. Below are some of the websites and broadcasts that resulted from this trip. Video News: Interview by Jimbo san with Amy Goodman followed by a speech by a 100-year old ex journalist on the dangers of the anti-secret bill (talking about the student/farmer movement against Narita Airport, the anti Japan-US Security Treaty … [Read more...] about Amy Goodman Visits Japan (Democracy Now, Video,etc.)