大きな「NO」とともに「県民は屈しない」と記した青い紙を掲げて県庁を包囲した「10・9県庁包囲県民大行動」の参加者ら=9日午後、那覇市の県民広場(花城太撮影)米軍普天間飛行場(宜野湾市)の移設に伴う名護市辺野古の新基地建設に反対の意思を示そうと、県内の市民団体などが9日、人間の鎖で県庁周辺を囲む「止めよう新基地建設!10・9県庁包囲県民大行動」を実施した。約3800人(主催者発表)が集まって県庁をコの字型に囲み、県内移設阻止へ気勢を上げた。沖縄防衛局が提出した埋め立て工法の変更申請について、県が不承認にすることも求めた。 … [Read more...] about 新基地建設ノー 3800人が県庁包囲2014年10月10日
3,800 protesters surrounding OPG buildings say no to new US air base construction
In the afternoon on October 9th, about 3,800 people holding signboards with messages "No to a new base in Henoko," and "We will not surrender," surrounded the Okinawa Prefectural Government buildings in Naha.(Photograph taken by Futoshi Hanashiro.)October 10, 2014 Ryukyu ShimpoOn October 9, citizen groups formed a human chain around the Okinawa Prefectural Government (OPG) … [Read more...] about 3,800 protesters surrounding OPG buildings say no to new US air base construction
Okinawa Base Issue (compiled stories)
Nago City Assembly Statement: Demands halt of Jp govt drilling at the coral & dugong reef in the Sea of Henoko; says forced drilling "a denial of democracy and tramples on the dignity of the people of Nago and Okinawa, and absolutely cannot be … [Read more...] about Okinawa Base Issue (compiled stories)
Labor Net Japan 記事
トイレに立ったときも中まで監視~「服務 事故再発防止研修」報告10/19/2014 - 21:44From Labor net報告 : ジャーナリストを守れ!~シンポジウム「朝日バッシングとジャーナリズムの危機」10/19/2014 - 21:44From Labor net第90回市民憲法講座 安倍政権の女性政策を検証する(東京・文京)10/18/2014 - 22:32From Labor net沖縄・辺野古 米軍新基地 ほんとうのことを知りたい!(東京・阿佐ヶ谷)10/18/2014 - 22:32From Labor net東京朝鮮高校生「無償化」裁判支援集会 ~ヘイトスピーチはダメ。でも朝鮮学校除外はいいの?~(東京・文京区民センター)10/18/2014 - 22:32From Labor … [Read more...] about Labor Net Japan 記事
Japan’s Fundamental Freedoms Imperiled
Oct. 13, 2014Asia Pacific Journal and Hokusei University Support GroupThe Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 12, Issue 41, No. 4, October 13, 2014 from Japan FocusIntroduction In early August, the Asahi Shimbun retracted some stories that it published in the 1990s about the wartime “comfort women”. According to the newspaper, the most egregious mistakes involved … [Read more...] about Japan’s Fundamental Freedoms Imperiled