July 2015 stories: Abe's militarism, Palestine and Israel, Fukushima, Greece, more...あかりちゃん】ヒゲの隊長に教えてあげてみたCall for scholars to add their names to oppose Abe's war bills ーー安全保障関連法案に反対する学者の会に 賛同を表明しますC.I.A. Spent Millions to Support Japanese Right in 50's and 60'sAn ‘Abe Doctrine’ as Japan’s Grand Strategy: New Dynamism or Dead-End?Over 3,000 Fukushima residents seek compensation … [Read more...] about July Stories
自民党が安保法制(安全保障関連法案)を説明する一環として、「教えて!ヒゲの隊長」というアニメ動画をネット上に投稿しました。動画では自民党の佐藤正久参院議員がアニメのキャラクターに扮し、「平和安全法制で抑止力が高まる」などと説明をしています。この動画が投稿されてから約1週間後に今度は「ヒゲの隊長に教えてあげてみた」という動画が投稿されました。こちらは動画中に出現した女子学生の「あかりちゃん」がヒゲ隊長を論破するという内容で、淡々と自民党の安保法制にツッコミを入れているシーンが話題となり、投稿から3日で10万再生を突破しています。こちらです … [Read more...] about あかりちゃん】ヒゲの隊長に教えてあげてみた
教えて!ヒゲの隊長 Parody
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YzSHNlSs9gThe video above is the 自民党 propaganda piece.Below is the parody which is spreading like wildfire. … [Read more...] about 教えて!ヒゲの隊長 Parody
C.I.A. Spent Millions to Support Japanese Right in 50’s and 60’s
By TIM WEINER,Published: October 9, 1994http://www.nytimes.com/1994/10/09/world/cia-spent-millions-to-support-japanese-right-in-50-s-and-60-s.html?pagewanted=1 WASHINGTON, Oct. 8— In a major covert operation of the cold war, the Central Intelligence Agency spent millions of dollars to support the conservative party that dominated Japan's politics for a … [Read more...] about C.I.A. Spent Millions to Support Japanese Right in 50’s and 60’s
An ‘Abe Doctrine’ as Japan’s Grand Strategy: New Dynamism or Dead-End?
By Professor Chris HughesThis post originally appeared on Japan Focus.Prime Minister Abe Shinzō’s stunning return to power in the December 2012 landslide election victory, and the consolidation of his leadership in a repeat victory in December 2014, has heralded the resurgence for Japan of a more assertive, high-profile, and high-risk, foreign and security policy. … [Read more...] about An ‘Abe Doctrine’ as Japan’s Grand Strategy: New Dynamism or Dead-End?