OpEdNews Op Eds 8/4/2015 at 10:28:13 See original and reprinted versions … [Read more...] about Christian Appy, America’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki 70 Years Later
An Angry Rap Video Is Roiling Indians Against Mercury Poisoning
The rap song, sung by Sofia Ashraf, exhorts Unilever to clean up the toxic site of its abandoned mercury thermometer factory and compensate hundreds of its workers who have been exposed to mercury poisoning. The factory moved to India after it was shut down in Watertown, N.Y., in the early 1980s when concern over mercury in the Great Lakes was at its peak.Continue... … [Read more...] about An Angry Rap Video Is Roiling Indians Against Mercury Poisoning
Four Demonstrably False Claims About The Iran Deal That Are Showing Up On The Opinion Pages
Conservative opposition to the internationally-negotiated deal to limit Iran's ability to obtain a nuclear weapon has been the subject of numerous editorials and op-eds in U.S. newspapers that have pushed false information about the agreement and warned that it compromises U.S. and Israeli security, despite widespread praise from nuclear arms control experts who say the deal is … [Read more...] about Four Demonstrably False Claims About The Iran Deal That Are Showing Up On The Opinion Pages
‘We are proud of them’ – “誇りに思っています’: Stop Construction of Henoko Military Base
At the meeting point of all kinds of power, from the geopolitical to the familial, the climatic to the spiritual, Okinawa is a coveted, cherished and sometimes tumultuous place. As the Japan and US governments push forward with building an unwanted major military airbase on the bio-diverse treasure of Henoko bay in Nago, A Rope … [Read more...] about ‘We are proud of them’ – “誇りに思っています’: Stop Construction of Henoko Military Base
Japan’s fascist Nippon Kaigi and the LDP
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in April delivered a speech to the U.S. Congress — the first by a Japanese leader — that lauded deepening trade ties and the military alliance with the United States.The speech, carefully tuned for his U.S. audience, cast Abe as a defender of strong democratic principles, a leader with “deep repentance” in his heart for the “lost dreams of young … [Read more...] about Japan’s fascist Nippon Kaigi and the LDP