FOIA Documents Reveal Agent Orange Dioxin, Toxic Dumps, Fish Kills on Okinawa Base. Two Veterans Win Compensation, Many More DeniedThe Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 13, Issue. 39, No. 1, October 5, 2015Jon MitchellDocuments released in September 2015 by the Pentagon under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that Agent Orange dioxin was discovered at the U.S. Army’s Machinato … [Read more...] about Dioxin Found on U.S. Base in Japan
Common Dreams stories
News & Views | 10.07.15Featured... Flipping on TPP, Hillary Clinton Proves Chameleon-Like on Tradeby Deirdre FultonClinton on Wednesday broke with the Obama White House, flipping her position to join Sen. Bernie Sanders and other progressives in saying she does not support the 12-nation "trade" deal. News... As Military Escalation Grips … [Read more...] about Common Dreams stories
The (R)evolutionary Vision and Contagious Optimism of Grace Lee Boggs
The (R)evolutionary Vision and Contagious Optimism of Grace Lee Boggs Barbara RansbyOctober 6, 2015In These Times Grace Lee Boggs died yesterday at the age of 100. Boggs' love for humanity ran strong and deep, serving as a generative force for creating change. She was not a part of an elite intelligentsia. She lived in a modest little house on an even more … [Read more...] about The (R)evolutionary Vision and Contagious Optimism of Grace Lee Boggs
What you should know about the TPP “trade” deal
Portside Date:October 7, 2015Author:Dave Johnson; Joseph Stiglitz and Adam HershDate of Source:Tuesday, October 6, 2015What You Should Know About That Completed TPP "Trade" Deal - Dave Johnson (Campaign for America's Future) The Trans-Pacific Free-Trade Charade - Joseph Stiglitz and Adam Hersh (Social … [Read more...] about What you should know about the TPP “trade” deal
みなさまへ「信頼性向上と予防保全」を目的に2014年度までに交換するとしていた川内原発2号機の蒸気発生器。九電は目先の利益を求めて交換しないまま来週15日に起動させる予定です。言い訳は、「第22回定期点検で交換することになっていた。2014年度が第22回の定期点検だったが、3.11で全て止まったため、第22回の点検は次の次になる」という言い方。今まで2号機蒸気発生器で損傷が想定される部位として8カ所もあげて「信頼性向上と予防保全」をうたっていたのに、何たること。口だけの「安全」です。2号機の蒸気発生器は危険性を残しながら再稼働されていきます。また、「公開」での「住民説明会」も開こうとしません。企業の社会的責任すら果たそうとしない会社になってしまいました。明日も、再稼働反対を訴えていきましょう。◎第165回目の原発再稼働反対ウォーク10月9日(金)宮崎県 … [Read more...] about 明日10月9日第165回原発再稼働反対ウォーク