パ┃レ┃ス┃チ┃ナ┃最┃新┃情┃報┃151011━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛JSRメルマガ本日のメルマガ(1)アル・ジスル公開講座(2)ニュース速報(3)BDSニュース ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓■□ アル・ジスル公開講座 □■ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┛ 11月21日(土)タイトル: 「混迷深まる中東情勢」~シリア紛争:現状と展望~講師: 高岡 豊(中東調査会上席研究員)日時: 2015年11月21日(土) 午後6時ー午後8時 (開場5時半)場所: JICA市ヶ谷ビル国際会議場 東京都新宿区市谷本村町10-5 TEL:03-3269-2911 … [Read more...] about パレスチナ最新情報 15・10・11
Today & Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos
Dear Supporter,Last month, tens of thousands of people in Mexico, North America, and other parts of the world protested and organized events to mark the 1st anniversary of the enforced disappearances of the 43 Ayotzinapa students and declare that we will not relent in our agitation for truth and justice. The students, many of whom are indigenous, … [Read more...] about Today & Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos
RNN: Syriza regroups, 51-day war, Turkish terror, The water in flint is poisoned, more
News StoriesOctober 13, 2015Rattling the Bars, Ep. 1: 'The Real Cost of Calls'What's the real human toll that the inmate calling industry is taking on prisoners and their loved ones? Host Eddie Conway talks to the affected families, the FCC, and those seeking to change the industry's predatory policies.SYRIZA Party Regroups After Crisis (1/2)Michalis Spourdalakis says … [Read more...] about RNN: Syriza regroups, 51-day war, Turkish terror, The water in flint is poisoned, more
Common Dreams Progressive News
Snowden and Allies Issue Warnings as Australia Unleashes Mass SpyingNadia Prupis, staff writerAs new controversial metadata laws went into effect in Australia on Tuesday,...Read MoreGlobal Parents Unite to Protect Children from Climate CatastropheSarah Lazare, staff writerIn the lead-up to the United Nations talks in Paris next month, parents and...Read MoreTo Fix National … [Read more...] about Common Dreams Progressive News
Rape of the Japanese Constitution–By David Rothauser
Sixty –eight years ago they gave peace and nobody listened. In 1947 a peace constitution was born, but nobody noticed. Sixty-eight years later, on September 19, 2015, that constitution was systematically raped and nobody outside Japan cares. Such is the result of the dysfunctional world we have come to live in since the beginning of the nuclear age. Can a constitution really … [Read more...] about Rape of the Japanese Constitution–By David Rothauser