TokyoProgressive is moving to a new content management system. The move should be complted in about a month. Temporarily, here is where you can find the latest stories: AMPO, SHIELDS, Palestine medical volunteers...On the Non-Defense of Japan: The Japan-US Treaty of Mutual Deception, Ignorance and Insecurity,Differentiating SEALDs from Freeters, and Precariats: the politics of … [Read more...] about November stories
Differentiating SEALDs from Freeters, and Precariats: the politics of youth movements in contemporary Japan
The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 13, Issue. 37, No. 2, September 14, 2015 Robin O'Day See footnote 1 in regards to the article title.SEALDs demonstration, August 23, 20152As a student movement, SEALDs (Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy) is often compared with the ANPO student movements of the 1960s and 1970s by media, outside observers, and the members … [Read more...] about Differentiating SEALDs from Freeters, and Precariats: the politics of youth movements in contemporary Japan
Today & Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos
Dear Supporter, Last month, tens of thousands of people in Mexico, North America, and other parts of the world protested and organized events to mark the 1st anniversary of the enforced disappearances of the 43 Ayotzinapa students and declare that we will not relent in our agitation for truth and justice. The students, many of whom are indigenous, have … [Read more...] about Today & Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos
SEALDS: Research Note on Contemporary Youth Politics in Japan
表示 編集 アウトライン 軌跡 DevelOctober 11, 2015 投稿者 PaulSEALDs (Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy): Research Note on Contemporary Youth Politics in Japan The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 13, Issue. 37, No. 1, September 14, 2015 David H. Slater, Robin O'Day, Satsuki Uno, Love Kindstrand, Chiharu TakanoRecently, young people have been out on the Tokyo streets and … [Read more...] about SEALDS: Research Note on Contemporary Youth Politics in Japan
パレスチナ最新情報 15・10・11
パ┃レ┃ス┃チ┃ナ┃最┃新┃情┃報┃151011 ━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛JSRメルマガ 本日のメルマガ (1)アル・ジスル公開講座 (2)ニュース速報 (3)BDSニュース ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ■□ アル・ジスル公開講座 □■ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┛ 11月21日(土) タイトル: 「混迷深まる中東情勢」~シリア紛争:現状と展望~ 講師: 高岡 豊(中東調査会上席研究員) 日時: 2015年11月21日(土) 午後6時ー午後8時 (開場5時半) 場所: … [Read more...] about パレスチナ最新情報 15・10・11