This is a newsletter by Tampoposha, activists working against the nuclear mafia in Japan.★1.日本の原子炉級プルトニウムで核兵器の製造は可能 プルトニウムを年間8トンも分離する施設(青森県六ケ所村)は大問題 原発と原爆は不可分。世界は日本核武装(原爆)を警戒 再稼働は日本を滅ぼす 連載33回 柳田 真(たんぽぽ舎、再稼働阻止全国ネットワーク)★2.財務省上交差点の手前、新境地で、 皆様のおいでをお待ち申し上げております。 11月20日第173回金曜官邸前・国会前抗議行動の報告 にしざきやよい … [Read more...] about たんぽぽ舎です。【TMM:No2647】地震と原発事故情報-4つの情報をお知らせします
Hollande and Obama: Doubling Down on “Imperialism”?
French president François Hollande met President Barack Obama at the White House Tuesday and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Thursday. For upcoming events, see Brussels, with 170,000 residences -- and seat of the headquarters of NATO and the EU -- is under lockdown. DIANA JOHNSTONE: Johnstone, a Paris-based journalist, recently wrote … [Read more...] about Hollande and Obama: Doubling Down on “Imperialism”?
Drone Whistleblowers: U.S. Assassination Program Ignites Terrorism
Institute for Public Accuracy . to paulNov 20The Guardian reports: "Four former U.S. Air Force service members, with more than 20 years of experience between them operating military drones, have written an open letter to Barack Obama warning that the program of targeted killings by unmanned aircraft has become a major driving force for ISIS and other terrorist … [Read more...] about Drone Whistleblowers: U.S. Assassination Program Ignites Terrorism
パ┃レ┃ス┃チ┃ナ┃最┃新┃情┃報 JSRメルマガ
本日のメルマガ(1)アル・ジスル公開講座(2)BDSニュース ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓■□ アル・ジスル公開講座 □■ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┛ 明後日(土曜日)です◆混迷深める中東 シリア紛争:今・これから◆■講師 高岡 豊 氏 … [Read more...] about パ┃レ┃ス┃チ┃ナ┃最┃新┃情┃報 JSRメルマガ
It’s Official – NSA Did Keep Its E-Mail Metadata Program After It ‘Ended’ In 2011
Cyrus Farivar November 20, 2015 Ars TechnicaThe New York Times gets a new NSA doc confirming what some had long suspected. Though it was revealed by Edward Snowden in June 2013, the National Security Agency's (NSA) infamous secret program to domestically collect Americans’ e-mail metadata in bulk technically ended in December 2011. Or so we thought. A new document obtained … [Read more...] about It’s Official – NSA Did Keep Its E-Mail Metadata Program After It ‘Ended’ In 2011