両脇を抱えられて、機動隊車両と鉄柵による囲い込み場所へ連れて行かれるVFP メンバー=11日午前7時24分、名護市辺野古Thanks to Masami Mel Kawamura, who writes: Along with other local protesters, the VFP members were forcefully removed by Japanese riot police. Nonetheless, the VFP members' presence was a huge boost to the sprit of the local protesters. After regrouping themselves at the main gate of Camp Schwab, the protesters … [Read more...] about Veterans for Peace Solidarity Action/退役米軍人ら連帯の座り込み抗議「辺野古にも高江にも新基地要らぬ」
Recent Stories
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Related: See the election results here: http://tokyoprogressive-news.blogspot.jp/2015/12/opposition-landslide-in-venezuela.htmlThe U.S. Wages a Dangerous Campaign in Venezuela Elections Mark Weisbrot December 1, 2015 Huffington PostThe U.S. campaign to delegitimize Venezuela’s December 6th parliamentary elections can only encourage violence by a right-wing … [Read more...] about The U.S. Wages a Dangerous Campaign in Venezuela Elections
再稼動の是非 住民投票求める NHKweb 12月07日 13時16分 http://www3.nhk.or.jp/matsuyama-news/20151207/4054221.html NHKはvideoのURLを消しました!!1ヶ月以上前のものですが、資料として「電力自由化で脱原発シナリオ」(週刊朝日10月30日号)を添付しておきます。 ----------------------------------------- 青木幸雄(宮崎の自然と未来を守る会)15.10-jiyuka <-- クリックください。 … [Read more...] about 八幡浜市議会は、住民の意思を受けて是非とも住民投票条例案を可決して欲しいです/資料/電力自由化で脱原発シナリオ(週刊朝日)
パ┃レ┃ス┃チ┃ナ┃最┃新┃情┃報 151207 SRメルマガ
This is a Japanese newsletter by Medical volunteers for Palestine. They are one of the more progressive groups in Japan. Their home page can be found here. Another Japan based group is the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund,本日のメルマガ(1)ニュース速報 ┏━━━━━━━┓■□ ニュース速報 … [Read more...] about パ┃レ┃ス┃チ┃ナ┃最┃新┃情┃報 151207 SRメルマガ