By CEO with contributions from Susana Duarte Coroado Originally published by Corporate Europe Observatory In the wake of Volkswagen’s diesel emissions scandal, Corporate Europe Observatory has obtained documents that show how the car industry has continued to undermine Europe’s proposed new emissions test … [Read more...] about Scandal-hit car industry in the driving seat for new emissions regulations
Biotech lobby’s push for new GMOs to escape regulation
'New Breeding Techniques' the next step in corporate control over our food?Originally published by Corporate Europe Observatory The biotech industry is staging an audacious bid to have a whole new generation of genetic engineering techniques excluded from European regulations. The pending decision of the European Commission on … [Read more...] about Biotech lobby’s push for new GMOs to escape regulation
日印原子力協定に反対する国際アピール/ Protest India-Japan Nuclear Agreement
English and Japanese petitions are hereインドは核不拡散条約(Non Proliferation Treaty, NPT)の批准を拒否し、1974 年、1998 年には核実験をおこない、さらに、依然として核兵器の材料物質の増産を進めている核兵器保有国です。一方で、インドは古くから原子力の民生利用を追求してきた国でもあります。今も、13 億を超える膨大な人口や急激な経済成長率により伸び続ける電力需要を、原子力で対処しようとしています。しかし、インドの原子力開発には海外からの協力が不可欠であり、1974 年の核実験以降途絶えた海外との原子力協力を、インドは強く求めています。 1970 … [Read more...] about 日印原子力協定に反対する国際アピール/ Protest India-Japan Nuclear Agreement
Nippon Kaigi and the Radical Conservative Project to Take Back Japan
David McNeillIn September 2015, several hundred mainly foreign academics and journalists received unsolicited copies of two poorly written books from Japan, accompanied by a signed letter from politician Inoguchi Kuniko. "In East Asia, the regional history of the 20th century has been incorrectly distorted (sic) by some individuals due to their current domestic political … [Read more...] about Nippon Kaigi and the Radical Conservative Project to Take Back Japan
Another Japan is Possible: New Social Movements and Global Citizen Education
"We Want Blue Sky in Peaceful Okinawa" - Almost all political struggles in Okinawa & Japan today reflect a larger struggle between civil society (grassroots citizens movements & NGOS) and an increasingly authoritarian one-party (LDP) public-debt fueled, nuclear energy, construction state, which seeks to reinstate WWII-era militarist values & remilitarize Jp to … [Read more...] about Another Japan is Possible: New Social Movements and Global Citizen Education