by David RothauserTo all activists espousing demilitarization, nuclear abolition and a true peace-in-action.It was all accomplished 68 years ago and who noticed? Peace and prosperity, no military, lowest homicide rate among industrial nations, no hand guns, no assault weapons allowed, excellent health care at 5 dollars a visit on demand, marvelously healthy diet, … [Read more...] about Making Article 9 an amendment to the U.S. Constitution
2月9日【AnonHQ】 より翻訳. Vandita著:西アフリカのカカオ豆農園では、15歳に満たない子供たち(中には5歳の子供も)が朝6時から夕方まで働いています。そしてこれら農園は、あなたの大好きなキットカットやM&Mといったチョコレートの生産のためにネスレーやハーシー(Hershey)、マース(Mars)、クラフト、ADMココア、ゴディバ、そしてFowler’s … [Read more...] about 子供の奴隷を使っている有名チョコレート企業7社
7 Famous Brands That Use Child Slaves To Make Your Chocolate
Originally posted hereChildren younger than 15 – some as young as 5 – work from 6 am till evening in West Africa at cocoa farms connected to Nestlé, Hershey, Mars, Kraft, ADM Cocoa, Godiva, and Fowler’s Chocolate to produce your favorite chocolates including Reese’s, Kit Kat, M&M’s, MilkyWay and Butterfinger.In September 2015, three class action lawsuits brought in … [Read more...] about 7 Famous Brands That Use Child Slaves To Make Your Chocolate
10年、20年の単位で早まる、アメリカ国内原子力発電所の廃止グレンS.K.ウィリアムズ / アメリカAOLエナジー 12月18日(Also see: The Nation’s Nuclear Plants Are … [Read more...] about アメリカの原発、次々と『前倒し』で廃炉へ
Pushing back Against the Marketization of Language Education
Choice and empowerment are two words associated with learner autonomy, critical pedagogy and other notions of student-centered teaching. And yet the workplace can be littered with obstacles that limit a teacher’s own autonomy and job satisfaction. Some lay the most blame squarely on what Gray and Block call the “marketization” of education. In a discussion of the overemphasis … [Read more...] about Pushing back Against the Marketization of Language Education