The Riot Police Unit forcibly removed approximately 90 protesters. Ms. Fumiko Shimabukuro (87) was caught in the struggle with the Riot Policemen, injured the pinky finger of her right hand. The injury needed five stitches and was expected to take one week for full recovery. A Ogiminson Village resident (63) was held down by a Riot Police Officer, and got a bruise on his chest … [Read more...] about Takae Helipad Construction Incidents Violence, Evasion of the Law, and False Arrest by Riot Police Unit and Okinawa Defense Bureau
Welcome home, Okinawa
In December 1899, more than two dozen migrants left Okinawa for Hawaii, starting a mass exodus that, for more than a century, has profoundly shaped the communities of those who departed and those who stayed behind. The upcoming sixth Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival offers thousands of Okinawans living overseas a chance to return to their rootsBY JON MITCHELL (originally … [Read more...] about Welcome home, Okinawa
US military in Okinawa spy on journalists (from several sources)
REPORTERS WITHOUT BORDERS HEREJAPAN TIMES BELOWBulletins internes compilés par la Division des enquêtes criminelles du corps des Marines des Etats-Unis (USMC) photo:Jon MitchellReporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the US military authorities and the Japanese government to explain why the US military based on the southern island of Okinawa are … [Read more...] about US military in Okinawa spy on journalists (from several sources)
Photo report on police forcibly removing anti-helipad protestors in Takae
From Takashi Morizumi on … [Read more...] about Photo report on police forcibly removing anti-helipad protestors in Takae
It’s OK to snoop on Muslims on basis of religion, rules top court
Originally published in the Asahi ShimbunMuslims can still be monitored in Japan solely based on their religion, while in the United States courts are cracking down on granting such approval.An appeal by 17 Muslim plaintiffs accusing police of snooping on them was dismissed by the Japanese Supreme Court in late May, which upheld lower court decisions.The plaintiffs … [Read more...] about It’s OK to snoop on Muslims on basis of religion, rules top court