Watch---> Anpo見て Anpo Blog Production Team Artist Bios About Anpo Links and Resources Email Updates Email Address Contact Email us at Subscribe to all posts (RSS) Connect About ANPO ANPO opens as a squadron of F-16 fighter jets thunder directly over local traffic to land on Kadena, the largest U.S. airbase in Asia. Ten miles … [Read more...] about AMPO MOVIE
New Zealand activists uncover US Echelon spy center secrets that prop up killing in Iraq
From Peace Movement Aotearoa national e-list. 17 March 2010Adrian Leason, Father Peter Murnane and Sam Land - the three men who were charged with intentional damage and unlawful entry at Waihopai spy base - have today expressed their thanks to the jury, the judge, and the prosecution and defence lawyers.At the conclusion of the trial, Father Peter, Sam and Adrian said they … [Read more...] about New Zealand activists uncover US Echelon spy center secrets that prop up killing in Iraq
クリック募金もやいは組織の性格上寄付 による運営でしか存続できません。 皆さんの暖かい募金で多くの 困窮者をサポートしていけます。 もやいの活動に興味をもたれたかた ぜひ募金をお願いいたします。 新着情報 3/28「いのちのフォーラム」第2回 in 清澄庭園 (2010-3-16) 3/28シンポジウム「検証!公設派遣村」 (2010-3-16) 「いよいよ春到来」 (2010-3-15) 家賃滞納データベースに反対する日弁連会長声明 (2010-3-11) 3/20 反貧困フェスタ2010 in みやぎ―立てなおそう 取り戻そう ひとりじゃない (2010-3-9) 「ちょっと遅い桃の節句」 (2010-3-8) 内閣府参与辞職にともなう経緯説明と意見表明、今後 (2010-3-5) … [Read more...] about もやいから
MOYAI (Hakken Mura and homeless support)/もやいから
クリック募金 もやいは組織の性格上寄付 による運営でしか存続できません。 皆さんの暖かい募金で多くの 困窮者をサポートしていけます。 もやいの活動に興味をもたれたかた ぜひ募金をお願いいたします。 新着情報 3/28「いのちのフォーラム」第2回 in 清澄庭園 (2010-3-16) 3/28シンポジウム「検証!公設派遣村」 (2010-3-16) 「いよいよ春到来」 (2010-3-15) 家賃滞納データベースに反対する日弁連会長声明 (2010-3-11) 3/20 反貧困フェスタ2010 in みやぎ―立てなおそう 取り戻そう ひとりじゃない (2010-3-9) 「ちょっと遅い桃の節句」 (2010-3-8) 内閣府参与辞職にともなう経緯説明と意見表明、今後 (2010-3-5) … [Read more...] about MOYAI (Hakken Mura and homeless support)/もやいから
Meet the Shministim-Israeli Military Refusers (from A Jewish Voice for Peace)
Or Ben-David Katz - 2010 Name: Or Ben-David Age: 19 Location: Jerusalem Why I am one of the Shministim: “I refuse because I want to make a difference. I want all those Palestinian youths who have lost hope to see that there are Israelis who care and who make a different choice. I want all those of my friends who became soldiers or who are about to become soldiers to see that … [Read more...] about Meet the Shministim-Israeli Military Refusers (from A Jewish Voice for Peace)