Refuser Solidarity Network The Israeli refuser movement ... ending occupation one soldier at a timeGREETINGS FROM THE REFUSER SOLIDARITY NETWORK!The summer 2010, issue of the RSN newsletter includes reflections on the Israeli raid on the Gaza Flotilla as well as updates from the organizations we support and links to current activities by military Refusers in Israel/Palestine, … [Read more...] about Supporter Israeli military refusers and the Gza Peace Flotilla network
Politics in Command: The “International” Investigation into the Sinking of the Cheonan and the Risk of a New Korean War (Japan Focus)
John McGlynn Introduction On May 20, South Korea's defense ministry made public a short statement on the "international" investigation into the sinking of the South Korean warship, the Cheonan, on March 26, which left 46 sailors dead. U.S. South Korean officials, along with major western news organizations, have been describing this statement as a "report," but since … [Read more...] about Politics in Command: The “International” Investigation into the Sinking of the Cheonan and the Risk of a New Korean War (Japan Focus)
Jeju and a Naval Arms Race in Asia (Foreign Policy in Focus)
Jeju and a Naval Arms Race in Asia By Kyoungeun Cha, June 18, 2010 Maritime security has been a top issue in Northeast Asia recently. The sinking of the South Korean ship, the Cheonan, was a major agenda item at the annual summit that South Korean conducted with Japan and China on Jeju Island last month. Jeju Island is important for another reason. The South Korean … [Read more...] about Jeju and a Naval Arms Race in Asia (Foreign Policy in Focus)
End of War by Eric Colville
We used to believe it was all human nature And there wasn’t too much you could do “war is inevitable” that’s what they said and everyone thought it was true ` so we blasted away with our bombs and our guns till the smoke finally cleared and the fighting was done only to find out that no one had won way back in the days before – the end of war once some guy went so far to say … [Read more...] about End of War by Eric Colville
Iceland Safe Haven for Press Freedom: Wikileaks Insider
REYKJAVIK — Iceland is becoming an offshore safe haven for information, an insider with whistleblower website WikiLeaks said Friday.Iceland is becoming an offshore safe haven for information, an insider with whistleblower website WikiLeaks said Friday.Iceland's parliament, the Altingi, voted Tuesday to task government with finding ways to increase information freedom and to … [Read more...] about Iceland Safe Haven for Press Freedom: Wikileaks Insider