You do not have to love NK to ask why the US and SK are stoking the flames of militarism and ignoring other evidence about the sinking of a SK vessel. Plus other stories on NE Asia.Featured Articles AuthorTitleID JJ Suh, Seunghun Lee Rush to Judgment: Inconsistencies in South Korea's Cheonan Report 判断を急ぐ——韓国天安号報告における矛盾 3382 // Yoshida Kensei Okinawa and Guam: In the … [Read more...] about Japan Focus: More articles asking why South Korea and the U.S. are stoking the flames of militarism and framing North Korea
ハゲタカがやって来た 作 : 壱花花以 下は、7月15日マスコミが報道した“ハゲタカ”ニュースです。<国際通貨基金(IMF)は7月14日、日本経済に関する年次審査報告を発表し、先進国で 最悪の水準にある財政健全化のため、2011年度から消費税を「段階的に」引き上げるべきだと提言した。消費税増税は先の参院選で民主党大敗の最大要因と なった争点だが、IMFは国内総生産(GDP)比200%の日本の債務残高を解消するための「早急で信頼性の高い」財政改革の一環として、「段階的引き上 げは必要」と指摘した>。 風刺漫画(壱花花)猛暑のなか「君が代不起立教員・再発防止研修」に抗議7 月21日都教委は、2010年の卒業式・入学式での「君が代」斉唱時の不起立を理由として懲戒処分を受けた退職者を除く4名(戒告1名、減給3名)の教員 … [Read more...] about レイバーネット日本
CORPORATE WATCH: Gulf Dispersants: BP and Nalco Play Toxic Roulette
Gulf Dispersants: BP and Nalco Play Toxic Roulette Terry J. Allen July 19th, 2010 BP has dumped almost two million gallons of dispersants from Nalco in the Gulf of Mexico that is disguising the extent of the Deepwater spill and the inability of existing technology to mitigate the disaster. Even if BP eventually staunches the hemorrhage of oil, devastating toxins will linger … [Read more...] about CORPORATE WATCH: Gulf Dispersants: BP and Nalco Play Toxic Roulette
ZNET: Cook, Abunimah: Israel One-State Debate, Swanson: Zinn’s “The Bomb,” Shiva: Corporate Killing Fields…
One-state debate explodes myth about the Zionist left Is the Israeli right a more credible peacemaker? By Jonathan Cook Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Change Text Size a- | A+ Jonathan Cook's ZSpace PageJoin ZSpace (Nazareth) -- A fascinating debate is entering Israel’s political mainstream on a once-taboo subject: the establishment of a single state as a resolution of … [Read more...] about ZNET: Cook, Abunimah: Israel One-State Debate, Swanson: Zinn’s “The Bomb,” Shiva: Corporate Killing Fields…
News/Views: North Korea, BP, US spies/Ni WMD, Israel’s nuclear whistleblower
US Imposes New Sanctions on North Korea British Meat and Dairy Is Destroying RainforestsBP Oil Poisons the Gulf of Mexico's Food Chain NEWSWIRE Wednesday July 21, 2010Oxfam International: Female Condoms Ignored by Donors MADRE: In Israel, Miscegenation Equals Rape Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA): 87 Senators vs. the Facts on Turkish Group IHH? Environmental Working … [Read more...] about News/Views: North Korea, BP, US spies/Ni WMD, Israel’s nuclear whistleblower