Sworn statements filed in Federal Court allege that Blackwater founder Erik Prince launched a “crusade” to eliminate Muslims and Islam.By Jeremy Scahill A former Blackwater employee and an ex-US Marine who has worked as a security operative for the company have made a series of explosive allegations in sworn statements filed on August 3 in federal court in Virginia. The … [Read more...] about Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Implicated in Murder
Swedes still dying from Chernobyl radiation
By Rami AbdelrahmanPeople in parts of northern and central Sweden are still dying from cancer caused by radiation from the Chernobyl accident. And the worst could still be to come, reports Rami Abdelrahman.It is now more than two decades since the world's worst nuclear power accident, when a reactor exploded on April 26th 1986 at Chernobyl in the then-Soviet Ukraine. … [Read more...] about Swedes still dying from Chernobyl radiation
Rape in Japan is a crime but justice is rarely served. A Non-Arrest & Shiori Ito’s Full Statement
Japan Subculture Research Center"...New allegations have raised the possibility that the administration may have gone so far as to quash a rape investigation on behalf of a close friend of [Prime Minister] Abe: the dapper, hipster-bearded broadcast journalist Noriyuki Yamaguchi, who also penned two laudatory books on the prime minister..."Noriyuki Yamaguchi has … [Read more...] about Rape in Japan is a crime but justice is rarely served. A Non-Arrest & Shiori Ito’s Full Statement
ジェニファー・ティーター 今日は私が事務局を担当しているアイヌとマオリの交流団体で挑戦するクラウドファンディングに協力いただけないかと、連絡させてもらいました。来年2月に、この団体、アオテアロア・アイヌモシリ交流プログラムは、アイヌ文化復興を目指して、目覚ましい復権を遂げた、ニュージーランドの先住民族マオリの取組みを直接体験するプログラムを実施します。2013年の第一回研修では、アイヌ若者を中心に計15名が、1ヵ月にわたりニュージーランド北島各地を訪れ、歴史・文化・教育制度などを学びました。そのときに、マオリの人たちから、「40年前にはマオリは一つになれなかったが、いまは団結して立ち上がれるようになった。きっとアイヌもそうなれる。私たちが持っている経験・知識はすべて皆さんと分かち合いたい」と力強い言葉で励ましていただいたことが強く心に … [Read more...] about アイヌとマオリの交流団体で挑戦するクラウドファンディング
The Death of Liberalism in Japan
Koichi Nakano, Sophia University, Tokyo - TOKYO — Last month, when Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan dissolved Parliament and called a snap election for Oct. 22, he seemed to be making the decision from a position of strength. The opposition was in disarray, and his popularity ratings were picking up again, his hawkishness apparently vindicated by North Korea’s mounting … [Read more...] about The Death of Liberalism in Japan