Kimberly Hughes posted this article on the outpouring of anger and hope that has occurred since the June 11 demos around Japan, and across the globe.In the article she talks about the “state of collective denial” that is encouraged by the Japanese government and the power companies. A case in point is the demo at Shinjuku, where there were so many police surrouding the protesters that people on the outside could neither figure out what was going on, nor easily join. Also in the article are comments from a Tokyo-ite joining the 200-strong anti-nuclear demonstration in the city of Koriyama in Fukushima prefecture was told about the “culture of silence and complicity that continues to reign in Fukushima.” This was defined as a kind of cultural obligation to “follow one’s elders —most of whom get their information from the mainstream media rather than the internet, and thereby believe the official assurances that radiation from the plant is ‘safe.’ As a result… anyone who goes against this prevailing logic—by wearing a mask, for example, or expressing a desire to move to a safer area—risks bullying and/or ostracization from the community”. The article also contains videos of Koide Hiroaki and Murakami Haruki, as well as “a petition to stop the remaining nuclear reactors in Japan and a transition to clean, safe energy sources. It may be accessed here. The full article is here.
セイピース放射線防護ガイド「放射線被ばくから子どもを守るために」英語版発表/ English Version of Radiation Protection Guide
Our earlier article on the June 11 Demo is here:
The one we attended in Shinjuku was reported to top 20,000 people. Not sure about the numbers. Many complaints about excessive police presence. But same is expected to happen at the shareholders meeting in Tokyo later this month. The reports are that 150 cops (plus I am sure at least the same # of undercover police) will be there to prevent protesters, or at least to intimidate them. 400 shareholders are said to be preparing to bring a motion to idsband nuclear power. More power to them!
For the first time I saw polce in plainclothes with armbands annoucing the fact that they were police. Saw one demonstrator with an armband that mimicked the police armbands, with the added words, “No more Nukes”. So maybe the armbands are not new. There were many more undercover tyoes that wore dark suits with small badges. Perhaps Koan (FBI/CIA rolled into one). Or goons from Tepco. For the most part no trouble, though I saw one plainclothes cop rather nastily push a bystander who was lingrering in an intersecgtion and not at all part of the demo.
At the demo I was in, the cops in front of Shinjuku station urged people to disperse (we had to leave to go to our wedding anniversary celebration). But most stayed and the crowd did swell. In the evening, Mizuho Fukushima of the Social Democratic Party addressed the crowd.
Some viedos. Send us more links of photo and video and we will publish some that we think are good.
1.Rare, decent report from TBS
新宿 6.11 TBSの生中継
2) Fukushima Mizuho in Shinjuku (video)
3) 関西電力:原発撤退などを株主が提案へ 29日の総会で (Kandai Electric Shareholders protest)
4) Unthinkable nuclear woes may yet become normal in Japan
5) Police to Send 150 Officers, Riot Squads to Tepco Meeting
6) Japan Admits 3 Nuclear Meltdowns, More Radiation Leaked into Sea; U.S. Nuclear Waste Poses Deadly Risks
Aileen Miyoko Smith mentions the infamous Dt. Yamashita who says you won’t get radiation sickness if you just smile! This is one of the doctors who helped the national givernment block hibakusha status for Hiroshima and nagasaki victims, using outdated US military figures designed to underplay the dangers of atomic bombs. Also, Radish Boya (famous seller of organic vegetables) was asked by Shizuoka offcials to withhold info that Shizuoka tea, like Kanagawa tea reported recently, is over the safe level for raidation. So much for government assurances that our food is being checked carefully by the government.
日 本で地震と津波による核の惨事が始まってほぼ3カ月、新しく判明した「放射能ホットスポット」が、損傷した福島第一原発からの避難区域をさらに離れた場所 にまで拡大させる恐れが出てきました。原子力安全保安院は最近になって初めて3基の原子炉で完全な燃料棒のメルトダウンが起きていたことを認め、さらに3 月の事故発生後1週間で大気中に漏れ出ていた放射性物質の推定量を2倍に引き上げました。「彼らが付け足さなければならない事実は、同じように莫大な量の 放射性物質が海に流れ出たということ」と本日のゲスト、元米国エネルギー省長官上級政策顧問ロバート・アルバレスは言います。「(放射性物質は)食物連鎖 の上位に立つほど蓄積される。人間が食べる時の放射能レベルは最初に環境に入ってきたときよりずっと高くなるのだ」。東京からは脱原発グループ「グリー ン・アクション」の事務局長アイリーン・美緒子・スミスに聞きます。日本では市民が自ら放射能モニタリングを行って、とくに子どもや妊娠女性に対する避難 措置の拡大を求めていると彼女は言います。
8) 6月11日反原発パレード100万人アクションin新潟市1 and # 2
9)Demos in Fukushima and 150 other Japan locations also!!!!
End of story
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